Chapter 4- Obumbrate

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Seokjin cried in panic. I am confused about what's happening. My mom cried, my dad's injured, I'm seeing things, or people, should I say? And now, I'm choking in my own blood.

"What are you doing?! Do you want to kill yourself? What's going on with you?" He helplessly wept. "Why do you have to do this to yourself?"

I could feel a cold, sharp object in my mouth. I spat it out. It was a piece of a broken glass. "I-i... didn't do it, mom..." I uttered in between coughs. "Taehyung did this to me. He was here." I pointed to the bed. Mom looked at the direction, noone was there. Nothing's there. The feathers were all gone. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop mentioning his name!" He hugged me tight. He called Hoseok and asked to bring some Aloe Vera and Yarrows at once and he grabbed them quickly. Mom asked me to chew it thoroughly and let the sap sit into the wounds inside my mouth. I felt it throb violently. It pulsated with every move my jaw made. He ran downstairs to prepare an antiseptic tea. It was made of Turmeric, Garlic and Saint John's Wort.

"I'm sorry to speak in the middle of the commotion, but, has he ever been like this?" Hoseok pried.

"No, I don't even know how or where he got the name 'Taehyung'. I was so sure we never mentioned the name." mom replied. His voice was shaky.

"Who is he, anyway? Is this something I am allowed to ask?"


"He's dead." mom looked behind him, dad's finally awake. He was sweating in buckets and moaning in agony. He tried to get up but the pain on his waist was too much to bear.

"Don't move too much. Your wound might open up again. I haven't stitched it up yet." He hurriedly leaned dad's back to a rolled cardigan. "What happened to Jungkook?" he looked at mom straight into his eyes. "He said he was here..." he whispered.

"Kim Taehyung?" dad's lips turned pale. Seokjin nodded.

Puzzled and afraid, Hoseok felt it was a bad idea to be involved in the situation, but he doesn't have any choice. He needs to know so he can help.

"Sir, my name is Hoseok. I was the one who found you in the woods. I'm sorry if I am crossing the line, but, having the need to survive in this desolated area, I feel like, I have to know what's going on. Will you please enlighten me so I know how I may be of any help?"

Mom brought a blue knitted blanket and wrapped it on dad's body. He also gave him some antiseptic tea. Hoseok added a few more woods to the fireplace. After he sipped a few times from the mug, he turned to his side and sat comfortably before he spoke.

"Taehyung... he was... the first son in the team. His name was Kim Taehyung."

The wind howled more violently outside, capes of snow begun to pile and the frost started to creep up the window frame. Mom went back up and checked on me, and brought me down to the kitchen where dad and Hoseok sat. "Jungkook, dear, whatever you hear, please try to grasp them as much as you can." I nodded nervously.

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