Chapter 15- Valedictory

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The grumbling sound echoed vehemently through the tunnel. They all ran faster, but the floor started to shake violently. Jungkook fell on his knees. Jin hurriedly carried him on his shoulders. "We have to hurry. We're running out of time."

"I can see the end of the tunnel! Hang in there!" Namjoon yelled as he ran. While everyone was busy looking up ahead, Hoseok kept his eyes roaming at the whole tunnel. "They are watching us. There are surveillance cameras everywhere. Guys, keep your eyes peeled," he warned.

Jimin took Yoongi's hand. He can see he was running out of breath. "Can you still keep up?" he asked worriedly. Yoongi nodded "We'll make it through." He smiled as he held Jimin's hand tighter. Just as they almost reach the end. Namjoon stopped. He held his arms up on his side as a signal for them to stop. "There's a trap up ahead. Be careful. Watch your step." Jin went first. He put Jungkook down and asked Namjoon to hold onto him. He took careful steps. "Can you carry Jungkook across?" he asked. Namjoon nodded and crossed the blocks with Jungkook on his back. Hoseok went next. And then, Yoongi. He's exhausted all his stamina with all the running, he could barely lift his leg to cross the border. Jimin assisted him from below, pushing him upwards. But as he reached the leveled floor across the blocks, his left foot was caught in the trap. A thin swooshing noise came from behind. Jimin looked back, with terror in his eyes. He immediately tried to climb the border and helped Yoongi get back on his feet. The water had almost reached them, it's building up fast.

It was difficult to stir the wheel of the vaulted door because of the rust that had built up around the gear. Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin tried to turn the wheel together but it won't budge. The water had started to go up to their ankle... "Yoongi-hyung. Thank you." Jimin said out of the blue. "What for?" Yoongi tilted his head sidewards, confused. Jimin suddenly came forward and hugged him. "Thank you, for protecting us all this time. I will never forget all of our memories together." Yoongi's heart throbbed upon hearing those words. He placed his hand on Jimin's nape and pulled him close. Jimin buried his face on Yoongi's shoulder, trying to subdue his sobs. "It's okay to forget them. When we get out of here, we'll make new memories together."

Hoseok put all his strength and pulled the wheel clockwise. Then it snapped. The gears finally loosen up and they were able to turn the vault door's lock. Loud clanking sounds and occasional crashing noises can be heard from below. As the door above slowly opened, faint light started to seep through the gap.

"I'll check what's outside." Seokjin spoke in a low voice. Namjoon and Hoseok turned the wheel faster.

The water is now above their waist. "Hurry, the water is rising!" Hoseok exclaimed. As the door opened wide enough for Seokjin to pass through, he wasted no time and hurriedly climbed up the steel ladder leading outside. The scent of sea breeze flowed incessantly. Jimin walked towards the wheel and held it "Go up, I'll hold it for as long as I can. Hurry!" Namjoon climbed up next, still carrying Jungkook in his back. Hoseok followed. "Come on, let's go!" Yoongi called. "Go ahead. I can't let go of this, the gear became too loose, if I let go of this, the door will close. Climb up before the water reaches up." Jimin kept on pushing Yoongi to climb up. And he did, and as he reached the top, he hurriedly looked back and stretched his arm. "Take my hand, I'll pull you up! Namjoon, Hoseok, can you hold on too the steel door and give us just enough time so I can pull Jimin up?"

Just before they could position themselves. They heard the wheel stirred back. Yoongi panicked and ran back to the door. The moonlight was bright enough to cast an eerie reflection on the water below, and he saw how Jimin's eyes slowly closed as he sunk. His blood scattered like an ink dropped into water. "He's bleeding! Jimin!" He was hurt from the trap that was activated a moment ago.

Yoongi tried to go back down but Hoseok restrained him. "Let go of me!" he flinched hard, trying to escape from Hoseok's grasp. "JIMIIIIIN!" he screamed his name continuously as he stretched his arms trying to reach him. Namjoon and Seokjin tried to pull the door open but the steel door was too heavy for them. "It's time for me to protect you, hyung. Live well." Jimin spoke in almost a whispering voice. And he smiled... he looked beside him smilingly, and he said "Is this what you mean when you said we will meet again?"

A pair of black wings wrapped around Jimin. "I'm sorry. But it's time to go..."

"Vante??" Yoongi clearly heard his voice. "No... no, no, no, NO! VANTE, STOP! DON'T TAKE HIM WITH YOU!"

Yoongi kept on slamming the metal surface. He broke his finger and wounded his hand. But he kept on slamming the door. Seokjin pulled him close and hugged him tight. "That's enough Yoongi..." Yoongi's entire body collapsed against Seokjin's. He dropped on his knees, shaking. His squall roared in the quiet evening as the chilling wind blew.

Namjoon covered his mouth, trying to stop himself from breaking down. As Jungkook slowly wakes up from his daze, his memories of Vante came resurfacing up. He started to scream, scratching his neck with his long fingernails. He started to punch himself, crying perhaps as loud as Yoongi's, if not louder.

Hoseok stopped Jungkook but he wouldn't let anyone stop him. He bit Hoseok's arm but he wouldn't let go. He had to choke him until Jungkook went unconscious.

Their piercing wales broke the silence of the night. They survived, but they lost another one along the way.

For the first time, Seokjin witnessed how Yoongi and Jungkook broke their soul in a single night. Yoongi coiled up with his arms around Seokjin's waist as he continued to cry.

Meanwhile, inside the tunnel...

"Why did you choose to go with me? You know I can still save you, right?"

"I want us to protect them always. I want to watch over Yoongi-hyung."

"You really did love him, didn't you?"

"I still do. And I always will."

"Maybe, it is the same reason why I'm still here. I chose to protect Jungkook even after death."

"I'm sorry, Vante. For all the pain I've caused."

Vante caressed Jimin's face, "It wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself. I should be the one to ask for forgiveness. I have hated you for too long, I don't know who else to blame. I would self-destruct if I can't vent out my anger to anyone. And I know it was unfair to hate you... I'm so sorry..."

There were no more tears, but a glittering bud in his eyes. And as it rolled down Jimin's cheeks and touched Taehyung's skin, his whole body lit up. He felt a revitalizing warmth that melted his black wings. and the old skin that rotted underneath the black feathers healed and became new. His black feathers shredded and a new set of feather was born. They were the purest of white which glistened like the sun. He finally learned to forgive and love himself. There were no more remorse. He held Jimin in his arms and flew out of the tunnel. And as he soar up in the sky, he whispered to Jimin, "do you want to do something fun?"

Jimin was scared but he was curious so he nodded. And just as he did, Taehyung let him go. He was terrified as he saw how fast he was falling but as he turned to see what's beneath him. He was at awe. The night sky and the city lights were amazing. It felt like the whole galaxy is beneath his feet. He looked so hapoy to see those. And when he looked at Taehyung, he smiled and said "It's so beautiful here!"

Taehyung smiled back. "As beautiful as our wings..."

Jimin looked at his back, and saw, his silvery wings.

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