Chapter 14- Oscillate

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I woke up to the hissing sound of the grounded copper wires in a white room, with a splitting headache. The blinding white lights from four circular LED bulbs was placed directly in front of my face. As I tried to get up from the bed, I realized that I have been strapped in the neck, in my chest, on my wrists, my waist, my legs and my ankles. "Doctor, he's awake." an unfamiliar voice spoke, just above my headboard. I looked up but the light made it difficult for me to make anything out of those silhouettes standing above my head.

"Hi, do you hear me well? Are you fully awake and conscious?" A man in a very compelling voice asked me. "I suppose I am. Where am I?"
I asked back but he didn't answer me. Instead he spoke loudly with a "PERFECT! We shall now begin the operation!"

Operation? Was I injured heavily? I recon it was a hospital but what do I need the operation for?

"What's your name?"

"Min Yoongi."



"Date of birth?"

"Ninth of March. 1993"

"Oh, hoho. Belated Happy Birthday then. So, you tried registering for Korean Life Assistance Program huh?"


"Oh, it must be difficult. Do you remember how you got here?"

"I don't. I can't remember a thing since we left the head quarters."

"Really? They sent you here for psychological assessment and rehabilitation." he rubbed a cotton swab with alcohol on my neck. "Now, I want you to breathe deeply, okay? Inhale as much as you can then hold it in. I'll count to three, when I say "inhale", take all you can in, okay?"

I tried to nod... "Alright... Here we go. One... Two--" just as I was preparing to breath in, he suddenly chucked something in my neck. I can hear the slurping noises as a hot liquid started to run through my vein. "Good boy! We're done. See, it wasn't painful, right?" he laughed a little. "No, it's not..." I felt drowsy and I started to slowly fall asleep.

The next thing I knew, I was inside a room filled with safety cushions on the wall. I'm tied with a straight jacket and securely padlocked from behind. My mouth was covered by a silver-grey tape. "Duct tape?" the room was in complete silence, dark, and isolated. The only light I see was a blinking red dot at the far corner of the room. I wanted to shout for help. But I am restrained. My right foot was chained to the wall. I can't get anywhere.

Every three to four hours, someone will open the door, inject me something, and force me to swallow four pills which I don't know what for. Then, they'll put the tape back to my mouth. I can't go to the bathroom. They chained my neck and pull me out if I need to be cleaned, bathed or if I have to go to that one room where all they do is make me sleep. And when I wake up, I feel groggy and weak.

I didn't sign up for this. I don't even know what day or time it was, or how long have I been there. But one day, they just unchained me. They said, I'm starting to recover and I can now walk around the hospital. But walking seemed tiring, so I just ended up lying inside my room. One of the nurses came up to me one time and whispered in my ear, "Don't you want to visit your friends?"

My friends?? What does she mean?

"Christian is at Room 1217 on the second floor of building one. Jungkook is at 2344. He's on the same floor, second building." My eyes grew wide. I tried to stand. I took my first step with wobbly legs. I wanted to see them. But when I did, I wished I never did.

Jungkook was inside a room, strapped just how I was the first day I was here. His eyes were covered with a blindfold. They shaved his head and a lot of suctioned wires were attached all around his head, his temples, his nape, and on his chest. They were monitoring his brain activities and Vital signs. His right hand was swollen with multiple marks of needle. Those gentle, tiny hands... they were bruised badly. The anesthesiologist put a new needle in his wrist, having no more vein available on top of his hand. I saw Jungkook's face grimaced in pain. His blindfold was wet with tears. After a few moments, they took a wire and tapped it in his shoulder lightly. He jerked lightly but it seemed like he was not hurt. Did they numb him on purpose?

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