Chapter 2 - Toast of the Town

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**This is the next chapter of the little mini-series, starting with Starry Eyes. I think there's 6 chapters for this story. I'll be putting a little header above each story to let you know, whether the chapter is part of a series or stand alone. Count on the next four being related to this. After that should be something different, but I'll still be making notations.**

Late Sept. 1980

Five days have passed since Tommy saw London play for the first time. 5 days that he’s been daydreaming about everything from befriending the mysterious bassist of London to joining a new band with him. His brain has not shut down. Nearly every minute of his waking day is consumed with these thoughts. Did that bass player actually insinuate that they could play together? Or at least talk about it? What did he mean by “come and find me sometime, after Tommy mentioned that he plays drums…”? Is he interested in hearing Tommy play them? Every scenario has crossed his mind, and finally the day is here; London’s next show date, at a 21 and over club. 

God he’s nervous, as the 17 year old stands outside of the club pacing. What if he can’t get in? That bassist, Nikki, told him to say that he’s with him. What if he’s forgotten? Tommy smelled the alcohol hanging heavy off the bass player’s breath. What if he was too drunk to remember? Not only will he be embarrassed, it will be a huge let down. Maybe he can wait around outside until it’s over. Maybe he can catch the bassist as they pack up. Maybe then he’ll remember. Tommy decides to get in line for the door. He’s nervous as fuck. Should he try to get in with just his height and looks, or should he tell them straight away that he knows Nikki Sixx? 

Tommy makes it up to the bouncer. “ID,” the bouncer requests.

“I know the bass player of London. He said to ask for him.”

“Listen kid, you think I’m going to leave my post to go find that drunk bastard to ask about your ass. Step aside,” the bouncer replies, motioning for the next person to come forward.

Tommy walks away, feeling humiliated and let down. Fuck. Now what? He walks away from the front, not wanting to be seen anymore, towards the back side of the club and finds a curb to sit on. He lights up, wondering if he should just sit out here until the show is over. It’s going to be a long wait, and a missed chance to hear their music again. Maybe he should try to find out when and where they’re playing next, and just go to that show. This was his worst case scenario. It did cross his mind that this could happen. He feels his fantasies of carousing with the band, and with Nikki, having that chance of a fast track to the spotlight, slipping away, as he lights up his second cigarette. 

Tommy’s now on his third smoke, pacing, feeling like he should admit defeat and head home, but he’s not able to make his feet go. His deep thoughts are disrupted by the sound of the most obnoxious car with a bad muffler screeching around the alleyway towards the back of the club. The car pulls up into the last open spot, if it’s even a spot. Tommy can’t quite believe his luck when he sees that it’s the bass player. The dude looks pissed, and seems to be hurried and maybe even a little flustered, as he gets out of his car, a half burnt cigarette hanging from his mouth, as he’s trying to gather up stuff, digging in the back seat through the driver’s door of the car. 

Tommy wonders if he should lend a hand. The guy looks angry. He probably won’t even remember the drummer. He doesn’t want to feel stupid or in the way. He leans against the building in the shadows, watching as Nikki finally emerges from his car, standing up, holding his bass guitar and some papers and junk. He slams his car door. 

“Fuck!’ Tommy hears the bassist swear, as the car door swings back open. Nikki slams it again, and once more, the latch won’t catch and it flies open again. “Fucking piece of shit car!” Nikki yells, cigarettes still between his lips, as he slams the door again, this time with his boot. It bounces back open again. Nikki looks like he’s about ready to rip the damn door off of the car. 

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