Chapter 16 - Public Enemy #1

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It’s been two days since Tommy attended that country club dance with his wannabe girlfriend. The band is having a meeting today for the upcoming tour, which they’re leaving for in 3 days. After the meeting, on their way out, Nikki asks Tommy how the event went.

“It was great! Um, I think that I impressed Heather with my dancing skills,” Tommy says, excitedly, while busting some cheesy move.

“Well, how about with all of the socialites there?” Nikki asks.

“Oh. Well, not like they put me up on their shoulders and carried me around like the man, singing "For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow", but nobody seemed bothered by me much.

“Did you figure out the forks?”

“Yeah. There were 3. The first one was for salad, the next one for dinner. Then there was one above the plate for dessert, but I used it for my balls. They were itchy; I had to trim a little before the date. You know how that is.”

“Dumbass. I know you didn’t do that,” Nikki smirks.

“Heh.... It was good though. It’s going to be hard to leave Heather. We’re really starting to bond. I’m hoping to be able to have her meet us on the road sometimes.”

“That’s cool, Tom. She’s a nice girl.”

“You wanna get lunch? Tommy asks.

“Nah, not today. I’m not really hungry. I have some other stuff to take care of.”

“Oh. OK. I guess I do too. Lot of packing and shit.”

“Yeah. Got some business to wrap up and things like that.”

“Drug scores?”

Nikki pops his eyebrows up. “You know me. That’s part of it, but I just got a bunch of stuff to do.”

“OK. Maybe I’ll see you in passing, as things start getting loaded up in trunks and on the trucks.”

“Alright,” Nikki says, starting to walk away.

“Hey Nik?”


Tommy takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry about what happened the other night. You know….”

Nikki shrugs.

“Well, I don’t want you to think anything about it. Like…. Uh, I don’t know what I was thinking. You know, I guess it was the drink talking,” Tommy says with a nervous laugh.

“OK, fine.”

“Thanks for the lessons though. It really helped me to score,” Tommy says.

“Anytime,” Nikki says, saluting Tommy with two fingers, as an indication that he’s leaving.

Tommy walks away, towards his car thinking that he fucked things up between him and his best friend. The moment, the kiss between the two, just seemed opportune. Nikki, afterall, is the one who put Tommy’s hands on his ass and pulled him close. Nikki is acting weird, and Tommy is not feeling good about that. This friendship is everything to him. There’s really nothing that has been taboo between the two; that is until the kiss.

Tommy can’t imagine taking a step backwards with their friendship, especially with the tour approaching. This is the best time to be crazy together and do fun stuff. He’s just going to have to continue to act like it was nothing, no big deal; only it was. It was the most long awaited kiss that Tommy had ever yearned for, and the physical action itself was nothing short of mind-blowing. He’s been wanting to do that for a few years now. He’s just not sure if it was worth it though, not at the expense of losing their special bond. Tommy can only hope that being on tour will help things feel like old times again.

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