Chapter 14 - Merry-Go-Round

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It’s late summer of 1983. The band is in New York City together for the first time, having been invited to the city for a press event regarding the upcoming release of their album, Shout at the Devil. The interview was successful, at least in Crue terms; probably quite crass and tawdry compared to your mainstream band; but everyone knows that Motley Crue doesn’t do mainstream. 

Their flight back isn’t until the following day, so the rest of the day and night are left for exploring the bustling city. Vince is at a strip club with a friend from he area. Mick starts off, exploring with Tommy and Nikki. They dined at a tavern, consuming copious amounts of alcohol, and hit the streets and avenues right after. Mick soon makes the decision to break away, as the dynamic duo are drunk off their asses, not to mention high on shit. Mick, instead, meets back up with their manager, Doug, and they hit the city, sane in the membrane.

Although not completely unknown, the Crue’s success hasn’t quite spread to the east coast yet. They can walk about, largely unrecognized at this point, but for a few savvy fans who’ve discovered the Too Fast For Love album. Anyway, it makes for a better day, to not have a trail of fans following them around.

“Dude, Look! Central Park. Let’s go,” Tommy suggests.

“Isn’t that where you go for a horse and buggy ride?” Nikki says, skeptical.

“Yup. Wanna take one? They’re right there,” Tommy says, pointing over towards the park’s stable area. You can sit between my legs, and we can neck. Maybe I’ll even propose at the end.”

“Fuck you and all that gay bullshit. Besides, aren’t we uptown? I think all the gay stuff is downtown.”

“How the fuck should I know? Never been here, and how do you know? Bet your secret gay ass tried to dig up that info before we left,” Tommy laughs. “Gonna sneak out tonight, Sixx?”

“Right...I’m gay, yet you’re the one offering to suck on my neck and bone me on a carriage ride.”

“Oh come on, Nikki. I know how much you secretly desire my ass,” Tommy says, sensually rubbing his hands up and down on it.

“Will you stop, you dumb shit. We’re not even on the right side of town to even joke.”

“Who says I’m joking? And I still wanna know how you know what’s what around here. Your gaydar is in overdrive right now.”

Nikki shoves Tommy really hard. He narrowly misses a collision with a street sign. “You’re the one running your fucking mouth. It’s my ass that you want.”

“OK, Nikki,” Tommy says, laughing still, as he tries to get his bearing again, after almost wiping out.

They enter the park and walk for a while. 

“Isn’t this so serene, Nik? Perfect path for romance, wouldn’t you say,” Tommy says, reaching for Nikki’s hand.

“Drop it! And what’s so great about this fucking park anyway. I can see all this green and botanical shit in L.A. There’s fucking high rise towers all over here. Now that’s something we don’t see every day. Plus XXX shows all over the fucking place. Damn! Bet you can go to a different one every single night, and never repeat for a whole year; without even leaving your neighborhood!”

“Yeah, but the gay XXX are downtown. That’s a hike for you,” Tommy laughs.

“I should have fucking left with Mick. What the hell is wrong with you today?!” Nikki snarls.

“I don’t know. Just trying to have some fucking fun in this kick ass city. You’re awfully touchy today,” Tommy says, lighting up.

“Fine. Will you just lay off. We’re getting looks, and people are probably already thinking stuff about us because of the way we’re dressed.”

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