Chapter 17 - Stick To Your Guns

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**This is the last chapter, not only of this little story, but of the book.**

There a pounding on the little door. Nikki picks up his head, still sleepy, and can barely remember where he is. The door is forced open, and it’s Vince barking at him and Tommy, who’s still asleep, about what they want for breakfast.

“Shit, I don’t know. Just get us whatever everyone else is having, and coffee please,” Nikki whines. Plopping his head back down on the pillow.

“I don’t know what you’re all grumpy about. You had the most comfortable bed last night,” Vince says, before closing the door; unfazed by Tommy and Nikki in bed together. They're clothed and it’s not an unusal for them.

Nikki shuts his eyes again, willing to just fall back to sleep. He likes when Tommy is next to him. He’d like to have him in bed under the sheets, but he’s leaving that up to the drummer. Right now, he loops his fingers in Tommy’s hair, and just carresses the tresses, as they lie quietly. The bus is stopped. He’s not sure if they’re at their destination or just a pitstop. Voices can be heard beyond the door. He’s not sure what time it is. It must be morning, evidenced by the brightness illuminating behind the window shades, but is it like 7am or 10am? Whatever it is, it feels too early, and he feels too comfy to get out of bed right now.

Tommy stirs, turning towards Nikki. “We’re stopped. Where are we?” Tommy yawns out.

“Beats me,” Nikki replies eyes still closed.

Tommy turns himself around in bed to completely face Nikki. “I can lay here all day. I didn’t sleep too well last night.”

“No? I did.”

“Just too much thinking, I guess,” Tommy sighs.

“About what.”

“Guess, dummy.”

Nikki just laughs, with a grin on his face, eyes still closed.

“I wanted more. I’m aching, Nikki.”

The bass player finally opens his eyes, and props himself up on an elbow. “Tell me when you dump her,” Nikki replies, getting himself out of bed by brushing himself seductively over Tommy’s body while grinning.

“Nikki stop. You accused me of being a tease, but that’s exactly what you’re doing right now.”

“You’re no fun,” Nikki says, getting on his feet to stretch. He pulls a bindle out of a deep pocket. He looks for a place to lay a line out. There are none. He just digs his pinky finger in to snort a little up his nose. “Tom?” Nikki says, showing him the bindle of coke.

“Later. And you’re wrong. I’m lots of fun. But, for the first time in your life you’re choosing to stick to some sort of moral high ground when it comes to fucking around, and it’s at the most inconvenient of times for me.”

“I’ve always had morals.”

“Right, Sixx. Let me think about my girlfriend for about 3 seconds before I cheat on her.”

“OK. So you have a point about the morals, but what’s between us isn’t about morals, it’s protecting what we have. Ever see me in a jealous rage?”

“No, but it sounds kinky.”

“It’s most definitely not kinky. Think more along the lines of asshole and fear.”

“Come on, Nikki. You’re killing me here.”

“Now that sounds kind of kinky,” Nikki says raising his eyebrows, backed up against the little door.

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