Chapter 10 - On With The Show / Part 2

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**Warning: Trauma ahead**

Four weeks later - 

Frankie is still staying at Tommy’s apartment. He just never left, and Tommy, by day two, hoped that he wouldn’t. He even got an extra key made for Frankie. The 2 musicians seemed to hit it off with their musical interests, building plans to one day put a band together. They spent a lot of time talking about that. They were so passionate and excited about it, that it all seemed in reach.

Tommy tried to get Frankie a job, but his boss said no. He’s very selective, and this Frankie kid is too new to the area. About a week later, Frankie found an odd job at a garden apartment complex, doing groundskeeping. The meager pay was under the table, and given to him in cash. He would pass some of it along to a friendly co-worker, who would buy alcohol for them on payday. He’d use the rest to buy groceries for the week, and any remainder would go to Tommy.

One night, after work. Frankie got home first, followed by Tommy - 

“Shit, man. What happened?” Frankie says, concerned, seeing a swollen and bloody contusion on Tommy’s cheekbone, with the start of a black eye forming as he came through the door.

“I’m fine. I just had a little trouble at my last delivery.”

“Who’s ass do I have to kick?!”

“No one’s. Don’t get involved.”

“You said this job wasn’t dangerous.”

“It’s not, if you know what you’re doing. I made a mistake.”

“Well, I don’t like that you get your face busted for a mistake.”

“I’m lucky that’s all I got. But it was my fault. I mixed up two deliveries. One was not happy, but was OK with it. He got the correct stuff by the end of the day. But the other one wasn’t having it. I just gotta be more careful.

“I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I won’t anymore. I’ll be more careful. This job pays too well to let it go. We’ll be able to make our dreams come true so much faster.”

“Not if you’re dead.”

“Frankie, it’s OK. This won’t happen again.”

“Lay down. Let me get ice. Do you have a first aid kit?”

“No, but there’s some stuff in the bathroom.”

“OK. Be right back.”

“Careful. Make sure Ellie’s door is closed.”

“I make sure every time, both in and out of the bathroom. I have a good ear too.”

Frankie comes back in just a minute. “I got Mercurochrome, and I found an empty ice pack under the sink. Lemme put a few ice cubes in.”

“Oh god. No Mercurochrome. That shit stings.”

“You don’t know what was on that diseased hand that punched you.”

“I’m fine, Frankie. Just ice,” Tommy pleads.

Frankie turns on the radio, then sits on the bed next to Tommy; who’s already wincing before he’s even touched.

Frankie clears Tommy’s hair away from his face. “Close your eyes, and listen to the music,” Frankie says in a soft voice, as he dabs a medicine soaked cotton ball on the injury.

The drummer jumps at the initial pain, and squeezes his eyes tighter.

Frankie stops playing nurse for a second, placing his hand on Tommy’s arm. “Tell me, what song is playing?”

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