Chapter Sixx - Too Fast For Love

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**This follows Piece of Your Action. The title of this one doesn't exactly go with the content, at least not to a T. But, what happened with this chapter was that it was supposed to be the last one, which is Live Wire. But it got really long, so I broke it into 2 chapters. I needed to find another song title, and this was the best I could use of the titles that were left. The final one of this mini-series is Live Wire, which will be posted in another day or two.**

**Oh, forgot to let you know...SMUT ahead**


Nikki brings Tommy to his bedroom. Tommy walks in towards the bed, and is pleasantly surprised to see that the bedroom is orderly and clean-ish. The clothes are not as evident, and the bed is made. Nikki shuts the door behind him. The drummer turns around to meet the bass player’s eyes. They both seem frozen.

“Do you feel any pain?” Tommy asks.

Nikki shakes his head no. “It may have just freaked me out. I can’t think of one guy that I know who would like to see his junk lit up in flames.”

“There’s a burnish mark on the leather,” Tommy says, pointing a finger.

“I think that’s what saved me. Leather is a good protectant,” Nikki says, with a nervous smile.

Tommy senses that Nikki is back peddling. Seems like he doesn’t want a package inspection anymore. Or is he just nervous and stalling.

Tommy sits on the edge of the bed. It creaks. “You got a noisy, fucking bed, man”

“Yeah, um. I’ve been meaning to oil the frame. The downstairs tenants must know everytime I’m having sex.”

“You bring people over a lot?”

“To this shitty place? No, not often. I fuck in the club bathrooms or in the car most of the time.”

“So your neighbors must actually think that you have a pretty pathetic sex life, if the bed is only creaking…. What, once a month?”

“I don’t keep track.”

“I’m gonna wake ‘em up,” Tommy laughs, as he starts bouncing the bed to make it creak.

Nikki smiles. “Are you having fun?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.

“I can think of better ways to have fun,” Tommy says [...just say it, dude...] “and to make the bed creak.”

Nikki knows that Tommy wouldn’t say that if he didn’t want something. He finally walks over to the bed, kneels in front of Tommy, and removes his shoes.

“I could have done that,” Tommy says.

“Well, you didn’t.”

Once Tommy shoes are off, he moves himself further up onto the bed and lies back. Nikki kicks his own shoes off, then takes a deep breath and climbs on top of Tommy. He scrambles up to reconnect his lips with him. The kiss is incredible, but Nikki can’t get over the fact that he’s lying on top of Tommy. He feels him wiggling underneath him, trying to open his legs so that Nikki can fall between them. The bassist maneuvers to allow that to happen. He can now feel his erection pressing against Tommy’s. Nikki can't help but to let out a moan, as he starts grinding against the drummer.

“Tom, tell me what you want for your birthday. Anything.”

Tommy bites his lip, thinking. “I’ll tell you what.” He takes a deep breath. “Take my pants off and then you tell me.”

“Hmm?” Nikki says, sporting a look of confusion.

“Just do it, man. The choice should be yours.”

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