Chapter 15 - Come On And Dance

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**This is a 3 chapter story. It was intended to be a one shot, but I felt nudged by a comment to continue the story a little bit more.***



“Rehearsal was good. Wanna grab something to eat with me?” Nikki asks Tommy, slapping him on the shoulder.

“Yeah, I guess,” Tommy replies.

“What do you mean, you guess? Yes or no?”

“Yeah. Sorry, just a little distracted. Let’s go.”

“When are you not distracted? And how about the Rainbow?”

“Nah. You know, why don’t we get take-out and go back to your apartment. I’m not in the mood for socializing.”

“We don’t have to go out, man.”

“I’m good. I just don’t feel like being around a lot of people. Kind of don’t feel like being home alone either.”

“OK. Why don’t you follow me, so you can drive home later.”

“Sounds good.”


The duo arrive at Nikki’s apartment and dig into the food. Nikki turns the stereo on, and kicks back with his plate of food on the couch.

“Feels good to have the next few days off. Doesn’t it? We've been working our asses off, getting ready for this tour,” Nikki says.

“I guess. I kind of wish we were already on tour though,” Tommy sighs.

“Something wrong, T-Bone? You seem a little glum.”

“Not really. I’m just overthinking things again.”

“Can I help sort anything out for you? My advice doesn’t really extend beyond the realm of ‘fuck it’, but maybe I got something for you.”

Tommy shrugs. “What do you think of Heather?”

“She’s cool, man.”

“Well, I mean, what about our differences. You know? Sometimes I feel like I’m stepping way too far out of my element.”

“If you become a stuck up snob, I’m going to disown you,” Nikki laughs.

“You think she’s a stuck up snob?”

“Naw. Just, well, you know, we’re celebrities in Hollywood, but we’re not Hollywood. There’s a difference. And you and her are intermingling. It’s kind of fucked up.”

“It’s not even her, bro. It’s her family. God, I think they hate me.”

“You’re probably right,” Nikki says, belching after scarfing his food down, like a pig.

“See that. I can’t,” Tommy says, referring to Nikki sloppy behavior. “So, she invited me to gay-ass cotillian ball type thing at a county club with her family. It’s tomorrow night. Like all fancy and shit. I’m kind of shitting my pants about this.”

Nikki busts out laughing, “Is that what your fucking upset about? Did you rent your tux and top hat yet?”

“Dude! I don’t even know if I’m supposed to! God, I’m going to fuck this up so badly. What the hell did I get myself into!”

“How you gonna choke down all that fancy ass food? What do they serve tenderized goat balls in a demi-glace and quail ovaries?”

“Fuck, I’ll eat anything. I don’t care about that. But which fork do I use?!”

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