Chapter 3 - Tonight

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** This is a continuation from the prior chapter, Toast of the Town.**


Tommy wakes up early the morning after his impromptu collaborative meeting with Nikki Sixx from London. He barely slept last night, his mind racing with ideas, dreams, fantasies, and a rerun of the night’s events. He just can’t wait until tonight. Tommy’s band, Suite 19, is playing at a club on the strip. While it’s always an exciting venture, tonight just can’t come soon enough because Nikki said he would be there. While Tommy knows he’s a good drummer and has always drummed with confidence, he’s suddenly plagued with the thought that maybe he’s not going to be good enough. Maybe he’ll choke. Oh god, what if he’s not up to snuff? No, no, no. Don’t even think that Tommy tells himself. He is good enough. Apparently, he now knows that even other people on the strip seem to think so. That, in itself, fucking floored him to hear. He really had no idea. He calms himself by thinking about the drummer from London. He’s pretty good, but Tommy has now seen him twice and believes that he, himself, is even better; plus he puts on a show. It’s more than London’s drummer does. If Nikki likes that drumming, he’ll be floored by Tommy’s. He’ll be good. God, he hopes so. The night is just too damn far away. 

Tommy stops thinking about his drumming and goes back to thinking about showing Nikki Sixx off to his bandmates. What are they going to think? He wonders if they’ll suspect anything. Why is Tommy palling around with the bass player from London? Or a better question, why is the bass player from London palling around with Tommy? Coz Tommy’s the best damn drummer on the strip, that’s why, suckers! Tommy bites his lip, smiling, thinking about this scenario in his head.

Then there’s Nikki, himself. God, that man is hot as fuck. Tommy just can’t stop thinking about his smile, his cool look, his voice, his eyes which he caught a glance of once, hidden under glossy, jet black hair. Oh, and his hands and his biceps that were wrapped around Tommy’s chest. His hands were on Tommy; holding him, Nikki’s chest pressed up against Tommy’s back. He knows now that he has definite feelings for this guy. His curiosity of same-sex exploration has turned into a firm desire. He’s been thinking all night about what Nikki said. “Tell me when you turn 18, and let me know if you still like what you see.” What else could that mean other than an invitation to explore him? His mind was racing all night with kissing scenarios. His mind wanted to go further, but he kept pulling himself back from going there. One step at time, plus he can’t fuck up the chance to start up this new, innovtive band with Nikki.

Tommy spends part of the day practicing, part of the day dabbling in songwriting, and mowing the lawn at his parent’s house. He just came back recently, after living with a friend for about a month. He and his dad had an aggressive fight, and Tommy took off. They’ve since worked things out, but he gotta pull his weight around the house, and do his share of chores if he wants to stay. He really doesn’t want to stay, but right now he doesn’t have much of a choice. He couldn’t stay with his friend any longer. As he pushes the mower, he envisions money from his new band venture rolling in soon; ignoring the fact that it’s evident that Nikki Sixx is not living any sort of high life. Just take a look at that guy’s car. Not to mention he said that he was living in a shithole. Tommy thinks that it might be cool to live in a shithole. At least it would be his own place, out from underneath his parents’ rule. It’s not that they’re ogres; it’s just that their ideals are diverging, and the talks and arguments about it are nothing but old and irritating. The grass has been mowed, and it’s finally about time to go inside to shower, and get ready for the show tonight. Psst… it’s still 3 hours before he even has to leave.

Nikki spent a good portion of his day oversleeping, then dabbling more in his notebook. More ideas, and trying to decide when it’s time to tell the rest of the guys in London that he’s leaving. He spent a little time calculating how much money he needs to make it til the end of the month. Unfortunately, it seems that he might have to do a few more shows than he thought. However, it occurred to him that people might start to catch on soon that Nigel is gone. Once that news becomes official, he has a feeling that London’s popularity and ease with booking gigs is going to take a nosedive. Fuck it. He’s going to tell them after the next show. Nikki realizes that he might have to start selling drugs again to get by; of course he can get a day job, but hey, who has time for that? Actually, he does sell light bulbs part-time. The job sucks and barely pays, or maybe he’s just a bad salesman; whatever. It’s not enough to make rent by the 1st. He’s got to get this new band going, and fast. 

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