Chapter 7

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~Myles' POV~

We had 3 competitions on day 3, last day, of this Senior Camping Trip. To say Felix & I were beyond excited would be a massive understatement because there's a secret prize involved. First one of the day was a tournament of capture the flag, the team with the highest points had to sit out which was Team 4 which was our team. I guess they needed an excuse to exclude one team since it would be an odd number tournament, like volleyball.

The final 2 teams had Luna on one side & Izzy on the other. Both sides were actually doing great in terms of defense because they never really failed capture their opponent's flag when they cross over to their side. The team captains on both sides, Luna & Izzy, they kept going on offense at the same time so they didn't find a good opening. It really looked like they had a good rivalry going.

At this point most of Luna's teammates were in the jail zone hula hoop so while Izzy wasn't looking she sprinted all the way to the other team's flag. The entire time she spun & juked everyone in her way, but the only obstacle she had left was Izzy. Luna charged at her, she jumped while doing a front flip over Izzy getting the win for her team.

Felix & I looked at each other to start chanting her name causing Luna's cheeks to flush. Her boyfriend ran up Luna to give her a big hug & spin her around with the entire team cheering for Luna. I never would've that a girl like Luna, who's in a club all about dinosaurs & fossils, would be this athletically inclined. Never judge a book by its cover.

Since our team didn't compete in this one we had to try our best to win first place in these next 2 competition. 2nd task we had to do was find our team's flag that was hidden in the forest. I wasn't very fond of picking who was going to compete so I let Ikaika do it. There was no exchanging of words to give him permission to do it, he kinda just did it. I wasn't going to say something anyways.

It was a 4 person task. Ikaika decided to choose himself, me, & 2 other girls to compete. We were given a set of coordinates, a map, & a compass to find where our flag was. There was a catch, if someone steals your flag along with their own flag going back they get extra points. We ended up finding Team 1's flag. I hid under my shirt.

I wasn't entirely sure as to why Ikaika chose me to team up with because last time he picked Felix to compete so I'm surprised that he wasn't here. Ikaika & I weren't talking to each other. The girls on our team were filling the silence trying to navigate our way to the flag. We haven't talked since he punched me, I'm not mad at him per se. There's a reason for everything & I feel like there's a reason as to why he complained for not getting the leadership role.

No one wanted him to be our leader because Ikaika was being an arrogant fuck that loves nothing more than to show off & have authority. I might've gotten carried away with the insults, it was wrong of me to do so. Maybe I did deserve to get punched or maybe I didn't. Not sure about anything anymore.

We found a path that led us straight to our flag. It was sticking out of the ground a few meters away from us & someone from another team saw us. The first move was made by me to snatch our flag first then Ikaika reacted a few seconds after me. We were racing, I think, even though we were on the same team. This might be his way of showing that he's better than me. I didn't care, all I cared about was one of us getting that stupid flag.

I saw the stump that jumped off of before & used it to my advantage again to grab a vine to swing on essentially moving faster than Ikaika now. Before the other person could get it I came in for the swoop then jumped down smoothly. As soon as I hit the ground I started running in the opposite direction to head back to the others. My dumb ass wanted to yell weirdly while flailing my arms with both flags in my hand. It felt so good to let loose like that.

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