|Part One|

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Welcome everyone! This is my first fanfic based in the Magi universe and I'm actually so excited to write it! I just wanted to let everyone know that this won't follow all that closely to the actual plot of the show because I haven't watched it in a long time and am way too lazy to watch it again.... so enjoy!

I flipped through the torn, tattered pages of my book. It was the one thing I had that I could truly call my own, and I had only come across it by chance during some of my rounds. I treasured it, and cradled it in my legs as I read the fading words for the millionth time.

"You do know if they ever catch you with that thing you're dead, right?" 

I lifted up the chain tethering me to the wall, not sparing the boy speaking to me so much as a glance. "Would that really be any worse than my current situation?"

The boy chuckled darkly. "Guess not."

The creak of a metal door made my heart rate spike. I rushed to shove my book under the thin blanket that made up my bed and sat on top of it as a well dressed man reached my cell.

The unfamiliar man, clad in expensive linens, stood with our master along with three armed guards. They looked at both my cell mate and I like caged animals, ready to be purchased. Hunger and greed written on their features.

"This is my best male. He's strong and stoic, exactly what you're looking for," our so called master spoke.

My cell mate and I locked eyes and I watched as the muscles in his jaw flexed. What the merchants were saying about him was all true. His arms and back were lined with toned muscle, and he had an incredible ability to keep his head down no matter what physical or verbal abuse we were put through. Two ideal assets for a male slave.

"How much, Aalam?" The unfamiliar man asked.

"Same as before. Half now and half after you take him."

The two men shook hands and Aalam unlocked our cell. In silence, I watched as they locked shackles around my cell mates wrists and ankles before forcing him to hobble his way down the hall.

I continued to stare at the empty bench across from me. Even though we roomed together for over a year, I never bothered learning his name. My reason being that I thought it would be less painful if something happened to one of us, but in spite of that his leaving still hurt. My chest felt tight and I could feel a lump forming in my throat, but I couldn't cry.

Glancing at the chain on my ankle a rush of frustration ran through me. I tried yanking my chain out of the wall, using my weight to try and get it to give, even though I knew better.

Once again the metal door creaked and I leaned back against the wall, but as I listened to the echo of footsteps coming towards me, I spotted my book on the floor. It must have fallen when I was pulling on my chain.

I glance up at the bars of my cell before jumping off my bench to try and reach the book.

I only had enough time to slide it under my bench, and I quickly dropped my blanket on the floor to try and hide it.

Aalam stopped in front of my cell, a young girl at his side. Her brown hair had obviously been cropped short with some sort of blade, and her dirty cheeks were streaked with tears.

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