Chapter 40

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Tsarina let his breath out in a deep sigh as he used his mind's eye to look around, enhanced by magic he tried to enter the City of Thunder without success. Casting spell after spell he wracked his brain trying to find a way through the magical barrier that was not allowing his ethereal form to walk among the citizens.

Pulling himself back into his body, he opened his sightless eyes and cursed to himself under his breath, he had been at it for hours without success, it wasn't easy for someone to keep an elf out using magic, he heard his masters voice boom out behind him, "Well is he alive?" it was followed by Damnations frustrated snort.

Exhausted Tsarina climbed to his feet and cleared his throat. "He lives; it's the only explanation for the spell that keeps me out of the city."

"That's impossible," Damnation snarled. "I stabbed him in the chest; blood filled his pitiful lungs!" Hearing the demon's hooves clicking on the stone floor, Tsarina prepared for the creature's possible attack. "You're just a weak filthy elf," Damnation spat. Turning to the man who could release him back into the world, the Demon glowered "Let me go back, I will bring you his head after I've made the Bear King and the rest of his family suffer."

Sitting, his chin resting on his hand while his claw like fingernail scraped against his cheek, the evil man on his throne evaluated the situation, he had lost the element of surprise. "No, you've failed and are really of no more use to me," Ignoring Damnations hate filled stare he continued, "Tsarina I want you and that beast of a giant you call Rockthrower to go to this wretched city of human filth and bring him to me, alive."

Tsarina wanted nothing more than to protest, he wanted to go back to his room and continue his studies, and contemplations of the universe, but instead he nodded, he wasn't about to argue when the man on the dais could simply stop his heart with a simple snap of his fingers. Hearing Damnation rushing his way the elf dropped low to the floor preparing to jump. Springing up into the air and snapping a device of his own creation free from his belt, Tsarina used the vibrations in the air to make out the Demon's form and effortlessly dropped his device into Damnation's mouth as he passed over the monster's snapping jaws.

Cupping his hands over his sensitive ears, Tsarina felt a shockwave wash over him as his device lit up the enormous room they resided in. The upper half of Damnation's body landed in several places, coating the floor and surrounding pillars in blood and gore, the elf heard the demon's lower half drop to the stones as he pulled his hands away from his ears.

"I was hoping things would get a little more entertaining before you killed him, slave." A piece of Damnation landed near the man's throne and with a disdainful kick, he sent it bouncing down the steps. Settling back on his throne he threw a leg up over the armrest, a sickening sound filled the air.

The pieces of Damnation's exploded body turned to liquid mush and ran together forming a large blob, working its way across the floor like a large bloated worm, the blob found the demons lower half and within seconds, Damnation lay whole once again. Eyes popped open and a blast of hot air escaped the monster's nostrils, climbing back to his hooves; he opened his wings and flapped them several times. "I'm going to enjoy this."

Not waiting for the demon to charge him, Tsarina took off running, relying on the sound of his footsteps to paint out the obstacles in his path; the elf flipped, jumped and dodged Damnation as he tried to think of a plan to dispel his enemy, he expected no help to come from his master, and would ask for none. Elves were naturally a happy loving race, and an enemy of evil things such as demons, if he was unable to beat Damnation then he would happily die to escape his Master's evil clutches, but he would not die easily.

Coming around a pillar Tsarina listened intently, the demon had gone quiet, his hooves weren't clicking on the stone floor and his wings were not disturbing the air. Tsarina's highly sensitive nose saved him from a horrible gore filled death, picking up Damnation's scent he slid to a stop just outside of the demons waiting arms.

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