my name is konohamaru! (part two)

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"Naruto, (Y/n). What are they doing to the honourable grandson? Mm. What's their evil plan? Where did they go?! I'm a Tokubetsu Jonin, the highest shinobi level. And I'm an elite trainer of future Hokage.
Any parasite that leeches onto my student will be squashed!"

"Hey, hey. So what's up with this obsession you've got with your grandfather?"
(Y/n) raised her eyebrow at the young kid sitting in between her and her brother, watching as he took a gulp of the drink he'd gotten from the vending machine just a few moments ago. Naruto decided to listen in too, curious.
The boy put his drink down and sighed, looking down at the ground with unexpectedly, sad eyes.

"My grandfather named me Konohamaru after the ancient name of the village, so it should be easy to remember.
But no one calls me that name. Not one person in the whole village. That's because when they look at me, they don't really see me. All they see is the honourable grandson of the Lord Third Hokage. No one knows who I am.
I can't stand it anymore. It's like I'm invisible. Like I don't exist. I hate it.
That's the reason... That's the reason why I've got to become a Hokage so people know who I am."
The kid, now known as Konohamaru, fisted the fabric of his shorts. He looked frustrated.

The twins sat in silence, taking in what he just said, deep in thought.
"Idiot. You think people are going to accept a squirt like you? A kid can't just turn into a Hokage after a day or two." (Y/n) scoffed, kicking her feet as she looked up into the sky.

"W-what?!" Konohamaru got up, yelling at the two in confusion.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at the ground, "It's not that simple. You keep saying Hokage, Hokage. To really be a Hokage, you know what you'll have to do?"

"What? What do I have to do?" Konohamaru grit his teeth.

Naruto's lips curved up in a smirk. "You're going to have to beat me in battle!"

A drop of nervous sweat formed on Konohamaru's forehead.

"You have to beat me as well." (Y/n) chuckled, flashing the boy a smile.

"Lord Third! I've been looking for you." Iruka appeared out nowhere, greeting the old man with a kind tone.

He asked in his rough voice, "For what purpose?"

"It's about Naruto. Did he resubmit his ninja ID photo?" Iruka started walking towards the Third, stopping midway to respect his distance. The Hokage hummed.

"You know, I gave him and (Y/n) a big lecture at the ramen shop the other night. But they're still beaming because they became genin." The sensei chuckled at the thought of his two students,
"They think that'll change things, that people will stop looking down on them now."

"I fear their dreams may not come true. People don't change that easily." The Third started,

"Eh?" Iruka raised an eyebrow.

"The nine-tailed fox is sealed within them.
Not everyone knows that, of course. Only those who fought the beast 12 years ago know the truth.
I decreed that no one could speak about this. Even those who whispered it were punished severely.
So the children of today know nothing about Naruto and (Y/n)'s connection to the beast that ravaged our village and nearly destroyed us all." He continued, clearing his throat.
"As long as the children are unaware of this, the twins still have some hope of being accepted. That was the wish of the Fourth Hokage before he sacrificed himself to save the village.
He asked that when Naruto and (Y/n) grew up, they would be regarded as heroes." The third put his arms behind his back, looking up at the Fourth's stone face up on the mountain.

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