Chapter 10.

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You were chilling in bed, reading a book upside down and your hot dumbass didn't even realize it.

Suddenly, Stain busted in all his glory. "I need a place to stay-"

"What the fuck dude how did you find out where I lived ofcourse you can't live here I live with my family-"

He grumbled, rubbing his forehead. "You told me you had like 6 siblings. This is a small apartment."

You rolled your eyes, putting your book down. "Yeah, I share a bed with two of my sisters. We're not milking money! Anyways, I'm trying to r e a d here, if your dumbass couldn't tell."

"You're reading a book upside down-"

"Oh-" You blushed in embarrassment. Your family didn't give you and your siblings a good education, seeing it was 'pointless'. You immediately grinned, back to your smug face. "Pft- I know that! Just trolling."

He stared before slowly nodding. "Can't you buy a house? Let one of your sugar daddies or mommies or whatever the fuck buy you one!"

"I'm gonna have to get permission from my parents, dumbass." You huffed, standing up and stretching. You were wearing a loose, light blue crop top with a lighter shade of black yoga pants.

Stain didn't bother checking you out like the horny dumbass he is this time, he was kind of in a hurry.

"But you're 25!"

"W-Well, my culture's age of consent and being free is when you're 35!"

"35?! I don't think (your country)'s culture is like that!"

"My village's culture!" You glared then huffed. "FINE! I'll do what I can just get out. Dad and mom are coming in like 5 minutes."

He sighed in relief, nodding and giving you a fucking light, small smile. He smiled omg Obama died, Donald Trump is in hell, uh- Beds are dancing- That was so fucking unfunny good job brain smh.


You hesitated before also giving him a smile. "I'll let you know in two weeks. If you want to know earlier, fuck me-"

"No-" Not yet- And he bolted away like a Ninjago Spiderman.

Sup I'm alive- BOY, 2020 SURE BE WILDIN' HUH?! Keep up with class, sanitise your hands, phone, laptops, tablets, any electronics, if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 p l e a s e go to the doctor or call the doctor to avoid affecting anyone. Don't be sexist, support women AND men and transgenders and non-binary, support BLM movement, support LBGTQ+, don't be racist to Asians, don't be stupid and make gender reveal parties and set half of california on fire, gonna get political here

Don't be islamophobic, don't support Donald Trump, and for the love of god, respect yourself then respect others. That's all. Sorry it's such a long message, shit been happening. Stay safe everyone!

Stain (CHIZOME AKAGURO) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now