Model Mom(Danielle's POV)

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Hi, I'm Danielle. I'm your average ten-year-old Leavetty. Oh, and by the way, did I tell you I'm an orphan raised by the pureone's friend who's a supermodel?

My foster mother is Helena, the closest Leavetian friend of the pureone Shanna. Believe me, it's weird sometimes. All those calls and texts and everything about the latest trends and stuff. Politics. Entertainment. Bla.

I suffer from STICA(stress and trauma-induced cardiac arrest), and honestly, it sucks. The alternative name is STIHA(stress and trauma-induced heart attacks). And yes, both stupid names are very accurate. Scary.

I also for some reason cannot remember my past when I was three and younger.

My condition prevents me from going to school because the schools here are inclined to put as much stress as possible on students. Because I can't just go into cardiac arrest or have a heart attack during lessons(because you get more work after that, how very nice of the teachers) I am homeschooled. Totally normal thing, you see. Homeschooled by a single and super hot supermodel. At least, that's what the newspapers say.

My mom(yes, I call her my mom, because I don't know my real mom) was only seventeen when she picked me up. Now of course she's twenty-five, and she is an awesome mother. She doesn't like her parents, but I didn't care. As far as I knew, parents suck.

But mom told me about the way the pureone's parents welcomed her like their own kid, I wanted to visit them. When she told me that they died, I still wanted to visit them, actually, their graves. So that I could pay homage to actually awesome parents.

My story starts when I see a certain headline of Florijanis Today, our regional newspaper.

Let me tell you my environment first though. Long story short, Leronia has been pitched into despair because a disease we Leavetians don't know of is killing a lot of people. Worse, some people really hate the pureone, and want to kill her. Which, by the way, is a waste of time because the immortal pureone can't just die. So, in conclusion, a major freak out happens because our kind are dropping dead in the streets randomly, and they don't know whether it's because they were shot by the guys who hate the pureone or just the disease, which has a literal name of icassi famentalis, or instant death. How very accurate.

Back to the story. One day, my mom comes home, waving the newspaper. "Look! A queen has been shot!"

Thanks, mom. Of all things you can yell about, it's the leader of a country who is dead or gonna die.

Still, I was interested. It's not every day the most powerful Leavetty of a country(except the pureone) is shot. Look at our pureone and king for example. Sure, they might both be very old(our resident alive pureone, Corrithay is over a thousand and the king is like five hundred) but a Leavetty's strength increases with age and intelligence.

The article read:

Today, while Lellentian queen Willentisa was strolling through her country, she was shot in the countryside. The perpetrator has been caught and punished, but queen Willentisa remains severely injured. As a result of the disaster, Shanna returns from nomadic life in the world below and according to an interview(see page 5), will travel once around Leronia to fix confidential matters and finally settle in the Lellentian throne room as some sort of a replacement queen.

What a scandal! I wish I could do something about it.

I looked up. If visiting the entirety of Leronia, then settling in Lellentia, the pureone's best route would be going from west from the south-eastern Fruitian Islands(which makes Frutia) to the farming country of Rerorgia and going along its zigzag of a coast, then going north through Florijein to Twisetan before stopping in the northernmost Lellentia.

The most important thing, however…

Mom was messaging somebody on the latest Lellentian technological watch, and by the looks of it, she had received a reply.

"Shanna says she's coming over to visit, woohoo!"

"Mom! Seriously, calm down!"

My mom is awesome at times but also makes me feel like I'm talking to a glittery wall of excitement. I mean, really. She's twenty-five.

My mom does listen, however, and thank the spirits that she does.

"It's not every day a pureone visits, though. And even if she has a chance to visit, she rarely does. She must have a purpose this time."

I thought about it for a while. The pureone was known for long-distance mind-reading. Could she have caught on to my thoughts? If she had, it would be impressive.

"Anyways, my photoshoot got cancelled today! A cameraman is sick. Pecha Pie, anyone?"

Pecha Pie was a Florijanis speciality. It also happens that it is my favourite dish. Like I said, mom is awesome.

"Oooh, me!"

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