Another World?(Dawn's pov)

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Landing on something, I looked around. It looked to be some sort of valley, and it was nighttime. Wait, it couldn't be... it was morning a few seconds ago.

Soon, Paul fell through the portal too but landed expertly on his feet.

When he straightened up, he said bluntly, "you might want to get off."

I stood, and noticed with a tinge of embarrassment that I had landed on a person. Not to mention, she looked very young.


The girl stood. Dusting herself off, she held a hand out for mine to shake. She had light blue hair and light blue eyes. She was fair-skinned, and the dress she wore matched her hair and eyes. She was very young but looked at least ten.

After her greeting was accepted, I noticed that she hadn't got any pokemon with her.

"Why haven't you got any pokemon on you?" Paul had noticed, and actually was the one to speak.

The girl looked surprised. "Everybody knows! Wait..."

After studying me and Paul for a moment, she started speaking in a language I couldn't understand. I probably looked confused, and Paul too. So she stopped.

"Come," she said, "We have somewhere to go."

As we walked, the girl cast nervous glances around the area. It was unnatural. Paul noticed, but chose not to ask.

We soon arrived in a village and stopped in front of a house. Knocking, she pressed her ear to the door. She then opened the door and guided us in.

The inside was cozy. A small red sofa, a matching red armchair, a wooden coffee table covered by a white cloth, and on it two steaming cups lay. There was a T.V., but it wasn't on, because the occupants of the sofa and the armchair were chatting in a language I didn't know.

When the girl entered, a blonde lady rose from the sofa and said something that sounded like a greeting, then proceeded to talk with the girl. The girl shook her head and replied something. When she said that, the lady who had risen and another lady who was on the armchair turned their gazes towards us.

We now could get a better view of the two women. One was blonde, electric blue-eyed, and her figure was somewhat tall and toned. The other was a brunette with brown eyes in two long braids that reached her ankles, and she was taller than the blonde, slim, and elegant.

They couldn't be more different, but the one thing they had in common was that they were both extremely pretty. That's why I was feeling the slightest bit jealous.

The brunette chuckled. The blonde glared at the brunette and cautiously greeted us.

"Carrisielis, visitors," she said. "Welcome," she said when she saw our confused faces. "What brings you here?"

I was momentarily speechless, but Paul answered for me.

"One minute we were on mount Moon in Kanto, and then we get sucked into a hot spring and landed here. How'd we get here anyway?"

I sighed. Paul was such a jerk sometimes.

Thankfully, the women didn't mind. The brunette exchanged a few words with the blonde before nodding.

"Forgive us for our rudeness," the blonde said, "Let us introduce ourselves. I am Helena, this bluenette here is Danielle, and the brunette is Shanna. Welcome again, Dawn and Paul from Sinnoh."

"How did you know?" me and Paul asked in unison.

Shanna tipped her head, but continued to  face us. "I can...sense things. And to answer your question Paul, you are in Leronia, where pokemon are dominant. I for example am a Leavetty, and I just so happen to be leader of the entire race of pokemon."

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