Motheseus Are Not Scary(Paul's pov)

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Our journey finally started. Finally.

I mean, those two girls are just so annoying, they talk and talk and talk. I appreciate Shanna's decision to explain a few basics first though, but judging from Dawn's look, she's forgotten everything.

I also don't know how much the Leronian native remembers, though I think it isn't a lot.

We had barely made any headway since that morning, since they were exploring so much. Bleh.

I'd rather focus on battling the temple guardians and leaving the town if there are no events that could help strengthen my pokemon. Unfortunately, Shanna had told us to stick together because it seemed that sticking close to a Leronian native would mask the chance of us being discovered as human.

And since Leronia was quite strict on visitors as of the controversy now, we would be quite literally dead without a Leronian's protection. Even if our case was protection from the pokemon who ruled over the continent and the ones in our world, we had learned that status was not so much of a good protection.

But personally, I'd rather be dead than be facing endless chatter from my current travel partners. We had only just exited the small Florijanis town we had stayed at.

Dawn and Danielle were chatting about Davinis Town, apparently. Now that I actually paid attention to their conversation, I was a bit surprised at how much the Leronian native could answer every question thrown at her.

"Hey Danielle, this Davinis Town, is it far?"

I slowed slightly. I was interested at what Danielle had to say.

Danielle only smiled, amused.

"It's just through the Loris Wood, and it's pretty close and easy to get to. There's a path that winds through it."

Close and easy to get to, however, turned out to be not so close and easy to get to.

As we entered the forest area, the air cooled a bit. The sun filtered through the dense, but not impenetrable treetops. The floor was mostly grass, with a few flowers dotting the ground here and there. It was a pleasant and peaceful environment.

However, the not-so-pleasant part was that the 'path', if you could even call it that, seemed to be a narrow line made entirely of dirt that was scattered here and there. It was mostly overgrown with tiny flowers, so there was barely a path to be seen.

And apparently, in Leronian, close meant a 273.69 km walk. At least, that was what a small wooden sign with even smaller words indicated.

Davinis Town ➡ 273.69 km
Lillium Town ⬅ 2.47 km

I heard Dawn sigh.

"That's not exactly close, is it?"

Danielle giggled.

"Whoops. This is the quickest way, not counting teleporting."

It was my turn to sigh. "Can you teleport us through, then?"

Danielle shook her head."I never fully mastered both the teleporting spell and the pokemon move. I don't want to accidentally teleport you partially, and splitting when teleporting is painful."

I wanted to ask why, but thought the better of it when I realized the only way Danielle could have learnt it, judging by the slightly embarrassed tone she had used.

Suddenly, a taller patch of grass in front rustled, and Dawn jumped.

An elegant pokemon stepped out, or at least in my view. It was quite obviously part bug type, due to the beautifly-like wings on its back which sported colours in the form of all seven colours of the rainbow. Its wings were connected to its torso, which was large and covered with green bandages of some sort. It had two arms and they too, were covered in bandages of the same kind. Its head was an oval, from which sprouted two antennae and a long mouthpiece.

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