Saw That Coming(Danielle's pov)

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Since the pureone was coming, I decided to tidy myself up. Combing my blue hair, fixing my dress, you name it.

A few days later, the pureone rang our doorbell. My mom did the only sensible thing. Hug her.

"Shanna! You never call!"

"Helena, let go, please…"

When I could see the pureone, I was surprised at how young she was. She looked twelve.

"Oh dear, I really need to stop unsettling people," Shanna sighed.

With a pop, the pureone instantly aged to a respectable twenty-five.

"Hello, Helena. Hello, Danielle."

I was ecstatic. I. Was. Actually. Meeting. The. Pureone.

Shanna laughed. "Please, drop the formalities! I am near my friends now."

"Wait till Daniel hears about this!"

Shanna smiled. "Childhood friends are a blessing indeed."

Then she turned to me. "I heard your thoughts."

Mom looked at me weirdly while my eyes widened.

"Wow! Can I do something?"

Shanna exchanged a look with mom before my mom yelled at me.

"Absolutely not!"

Shanna put a hand on mom's shoulder. "Let her go. She needs to know. Let her know the answers and contribute to our society. Also, did I tell you about my vision?"

Now both mom and me were at attention. For us normal Leavetians, visions show the past, present, future. We didn't use visions as a way of getting information even though it was the only chance of seeing the future. Visions were terribly difficult magic, and succeeding meant costing a lot of energy.

Let me explain how Leavetian magic works. Unlike what you might think, it isn't connected to attacking with pokemon moves. In fact, it's a much newer branch of fighting. Magic means using magic reserves inside of us to do tasks or bend reality. Everyone has magic reserves, but the important part is to know how to utilize and control it. Magic reserves replenish, though they take slightly longer than our normal energy reserves.

To exert magic, we use spells, and a select few branches of magic utilitze willpower as well as magic reserves. Spells are classified into ten grades depending on how much of our reserves they drain.

First grade spells are functional spells. They are simple spells that perform simple tasks like turning lights on and off. They need near to no energy, and are useful in our daily lives, though we prefer doing some tasks manually, since we usually take less than a few seconds.

Second grade spells are banishing spells. Namely making things vanish, disposing of them. If you do the correct spell, you can return the natural resources from where they come from.

Third grade spells are summoning spells. Namely making something appear. The most used spell in this category is the portal spell. Summoning a portal means you can grab your technological watch from wherever you want if you forgot it.

Fourth grade spells are large scale functional spells, which is if you want to turn off the lights of a city. Yeah, you get the idea.

Fifth grade spells are large scale banishing spells. The name is literal.

Sixth grade spells are large scale summoning spells. Imagine transporting an entire city of people into the middle of nowhere.

Seventh grade spells are reality bending spells, like if you want to pull the dimension of time over your house to get a few extra hours of sleep, or do something otherwise impossible in real life. They cost quite an amount of energy and training, since those spells are very hard to master.

Eighth grade spells are spells that bend the elements, which means, for example, splitting the ocean. These are some of the few spells that require willpower. Note, even though they are normally impossible to do, they are a different category from seventh grade spells. Since bending the spirits to your will takes a lot of energy, most Leavetians avoid doing so. There's also the possibility of the spirits getting mad at you. Way too risky to be used much.

Ninth grade spells are visions. There are only three spells in this category. Terri us paleus, take me to the past; terri us presus, take me to this present; terri us futus, take me to the present. After each spell, you have to put a precise date. Visions are rarely sudden, and if they are exerted on you without the spell, you are also drained of magical resources. These spells require absolute concentration, and if your concentration falters you can go into a coma. To be honest, though, after using this spell, it's actually quite normal for the castor to fall into a deep sleep or go into a coma.

The tenth grade only contains one spell: soul blast. It's also the only spell that is also a pokemon attack. This is known as one of the Leavetian signature moves, but the most rarely used one. Your first time using this move will be your last, because this move uses your life force to do whatever you want at the target. This move can be used to kill, heal, strengthen, weaken, be severely injured to the point where its final moments are torture, you name it, at the cost of your own life. The only thing this move can't do is to resurrect, but somehow the pureone can without using this move.

Back to the present. My mom looked like she had been blinded by something. Very funny.

Shanna, ignoring Helena, simply said, "I see all possible pasts, presents, and futures, but I am forbidden to tell you the right future because it will usually mean you straying from your real one or following it blindly. My visions are also unpredictable. Therefore, my ability is usually only useful in the short term, by which is how I just predicted that Danielle was about to say wow."

I opened my mouth, and closed it. "Wow," I thought anyways.

"So, Danielle, are you willing to go on your adventure?"

"What does it tell you about, the vision?"

Shanna smiled. "It was a prophetical one, and it seemed to describe your journey."

"Can you recite it?" I asked, excited.

Shanna instantly did it for me.

"To solve the present,
She must solve the past.
To stay on her feet,
She must contrast.
To forge a future,
She must stand fast.
To save her people,
Her cry must be last."

I tipped my head.

Shanna sighed. "It's complicated," she said," since visions are normally correct depictions of the past or present or predictions of future. It's very rare that they are prophetic."

I took a moment to ponder things. But then I realized that I needed to think. Really badly.

"Might I take my time to think? I really need to."

After I said that, I truly recognized how silly I sounded. I blushed in embarrassment.

Shanna laughed. She brushed her fingers against my ques taris, and the symbol of the pureone burned above me for a second, then vanished. Shanna gestured to the door.

"I see you need time alone. Go out if you must, and when you are in danger, your soul necklace will alert me."

I was overjoyed, and ran out the door before mom could say anything. I decided to go to Crescent Valley, a beautiful valley that lay at the feet of two giant mountains that faced the east and west. The mountains were named Solar and Lunar, because of their unique placement.

I stretched, relaxed. The valley was beautiful. During the day, beautiful flowers bloomed. At night, it was no different. Luminescent white flowers glowed, attracting lots of Motheseus. These bug fighting type daintily drank nectar from those flowers, spinning in happiness when it tasted good.

I was relaxed in this peaceful environment until someone landed on me.

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