Chapter 11

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"Hey, tin can, Nancy Drew, done your gossip? Me and Hank are ready to go in." Gavin mumbled to the two Androids before turning back to the houses entrance.
Nines sighed, glancing at Connor, a silent thank you before following after his partner into the house.
It was empty except the four and a young girl doodling at a chair in the kitchen.
"Connor, you should scan the downstairs for evidence. Hank is in the backyard and I believe Detective Reed is upstairs in the bedroom. I'll join him."
Connor nodded, quickly slinking off the the kitchen, leaving Nines alone. The RK900s LED shone yellow, then blue as he began on his way up the stairs. As he neared the bedroom Gavin was supposedly investigating, he heard a scream.
"Gavin?" He called, highly concerned for his partner.
He made his way to the doorway, bumping into the detective. Gavin, surprised, turned up and met Nines' gaze.
"Gavin? Are you okay? Whats wrong..?" He asked.
Gavin sighed, groaning.
"Its.. Nothing, okay? I'm going to check out the bathroom..."
Nines was pretty sure it had already been scanned, but let the detective go, looking into the room. A set of journals lay opened on the ground near a charging port. As the Android neared the books, expecting something terrifying, he was met with a mid sized spider, the insect crawling on the wall just above the books.
"Gavin." The android loudly, suddenly called into the hall.
"Are you... Afraid of spiders...?"
"What? No.." Gavin replied, his response delayed.
"Alright..." Nines made his way into the hall, seeing Gavin leaving the bathroom.
The android opened his hands to reveal the spider to his partner.
"This little buddy was hanging out in there. I'll-"
Gavin screamed, turning around and shutting the door to the bathroom, effectively locking himself away from the insect.
"Detective Reed, are you sure you aren't afraid of-"
"Shut up you walking toaster!" He croaked.

"Find anything interesting?"
"No, Connor, not yet. A few journals are on the floor of the bedroom but I haven't had the time to examine them." Nines replied, glancing at the end of the staircase to see Gavin.
"Is the damned thing gone?" The detective asked.
"Yes, Gavin, Jeremy is no longer wandering this residence." The android assured.
"Jeremy..?" Connor questioned, thinking it may be a person that could help with the case.
"A mid sized spider that had been roaming around the bedroom."
"That explains the screaming."
"Hey, shut up you two." Gavin complained, the threes conversation being cut short by Hank, who loudly opened the back door.
"I think I found something."

Me not him - Reed900Where stories live. Discover now