Chapter 13

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Gavins gaze was trained to Nines as he walked out of the bedroom door, yawning.
Nines was playing with the kitten, excitable creature kicking at him. Nines laughed a bit,
"Okay, okay, I digress..." And he let go of the animal, his usual profesional and unaffectionate air gone. It surprised Gavin for a moment but he quickly got over it, walking over to his kitchen counter. A hot cup of coffee sat in the middle of it, steam barely coming off of the porcelain white cup.
Nines had apparently since walked over to where Gavin was standing.
"Detective, I made you coffee. Hopefully its up to par with your usual drink, I'm not quite used to your coffee machine."
Gavins eyes narrowed at the cup.
"Well, thanks, tin can. You didn't have to do that."
"And you didn't have to let me stay here last night."
Gavin sat quiet for a moment, nodding at the android before bringing the cup to his mouth.

Nines smiled at the bottom of his computer, a small picture of Gavins new cat taped there.
He began filling out some paperwork, awaiting his partners arrival back from the break room.
He had a new case they'd have to investigate later, but for now his attention was turned to the breakroom door again.
"Gavin, nice to see you've come back from your quest unscathed."
"Yeah, yeah, quiet." The detectives gaze wandered to the photo Nines was analyzing just moments before.
"Hm, got a photo of the little creature now?"
"Yes.." The android hesitated a moment.
"I've come to like him." He murmured the reply.
"You're starting to act like Connor" Gavin chuckled, poking the Android in the chest.
Nines tilted his head slightly, forcing a chuckle.
Wasn't that what you wanted? Connor?

Me not him - Reed900Where stories live. Discover now