Ain't Promised Tomorrow

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She stood in Brook's backyard her eyes trained on the bloodstained grass. It was all she could do to hold herself together. She felt anger welling up inside of her. This was different from her PTSD episodes. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. Her breaths were heavy and with each one she felt the rage grow. She threw her head back and screamed into the sky. 

How could this happen? What happened? Who did this?

She turned around the punched the fence. Something red caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. She reached down and pulled a card out of the plants that lined that side of the yard. It was a security system card. She read the name on the bloody sign and crushed it in her grasp. It was the same one Tim had given to Raylan after Nix had killed Delmer Coats. Duffy Security Systems. 

"I'm coming for you," she hissed through gritted teeth. 


She pounded her fists on the door of the RV. The door was opened and Liz reached in, grabbed the shirt of the body guard, and threw him on the ground. 

"Mikey?" came Duffy's voice. 

Liz pulled out her gun and stormed into the RV. She pointed the gun at Duffy. 

"Jesus Christ!" he yelled, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing!" 

"My name is Liz Hardstead and I want to know who killed my friend!" she snapped. 

"Its a little hard to tell you who if I don't know who was killed," Duffy explained. 

"Her name was Brook Peterson and she was a cop who was murdered!" Liz snapped, "I found this card in her yard." 

She pulled out the bloody security card and put it in Duffy's face. "Your company put in the system at her house and I want to know who murdered her!"

"I have no idea!" Duffy said.

"THEN FIND OUT!" she screamed at him putting the gun further in his face this hissed, "or Ill blame you and shoot you myself!"

"If you shoot me then you'll never find out who killed your friend," Duffy eyed her gun.

"Then you have 24 hours to find out who killed her or get the hell out of Kentucky," Liz stepped back toward the door, "Or I will shoot you on sight." 


She was half a bottle in on the whiskey.  Her body was numb but her mind raced. She could never get drunk enough to silence her brain. She wasn't drinking light stuff either, it was top shelf not even worrying about the tab amount. Someone sits down next to her and she didn't even care. She slammed her glass then waved to the bartender for another. 

"You have a ride?" he asked holding the bottle.

"I can get a ride," she puts her car keys on the counter, "just pour me another one."

"What are you drinking to?" asked the man who sat next to her. 

"None of your fucking business," she snapped. 

"Bartender, get me two please," he waved. 

"I'm surprised you're here alone," the man said to her.

"What the fuck do you care," she looked over. 

He was tall, well dressed, blond hair, and blue eyes. She scanned him up and down and knew he didn't belong there. 

"You're not from around here," she mentioned. 

"No," he said sliding the second glass over to her, "just visiting." 

Liz picked it up and slammed it without even thinking. 

"What's the name?" she asked.

"Quarrels," is all he said. 

"Well Mr. Quarrels," she said, "thanks for drink." 

She got up deciding she wanted to leave and go home. She figured she just call Tim or Raven to come get her.

 "thanks for the drink," she turned and started to walk away from the bar.  

Her head started to spin and her legs turned to water. She fell to the floor and the man caught her. She blinked trying to keep her eyes open. She wasn't that drunk was she? She'd never had an issue before. What was going on?

"Ill call a cab for her," was the last thing she heard before she passed out completely. 


Raylan walked into work to see Liz's desk was empty. There wasn't a day he could remember when he beat her to work. He walked over to Tim's desk and tapped on the end. Tim looked up at him. 

"Liz been in today?" Raylan asked. 

"Not yet," Tim looked over at her desk as well. 

"You see her last night?" Raylan asked. 

"Nope," Tim replied. 

"Hmm.." Raylan sat down at his own desk assuming she was just late.

After yesterday, he wouldn't be surprised if she didn't show up. He knew that she pry needed some space and time alone. 

After a half hour went by with still no Liz, Art came out of his office and walked over to Raylan. 

"Hey where is Deputy Hardstead," He asked. 

"Did you not give her the day off?" Raylan looked up at him confused. 

"No," Art said, "she hasn't called in sick either." 

"Ill give her a call and have Raven swing by her place," Raylan said pulling out his cell phone. 


She felt a bright light hit her eyes and she squeezed them tight. She opened them blinking hard trying to get them to focus. Her head hurt and her body was sore. She knew she had had a lot to drink but didn't remember doing anything that would make her body sore. She realized she was laying sideways on the ground. She went to sit up but her hands and feet were tied. She definitely was missing parts of the night. 

"Hey!" she called out, "what the hell! Where am I!" 

She looked around the room and it was a plain unfurnished bedroom. She rolled herself onto her back then sat up that way. She scooted herself close to the wall so she could lean against it. There was no noise coming from the other parts of the house and it made her wonder what had happened. Then her brain fired up and she remembered taking the drink. 

"Quarrels," her head snapped to the door, "son of a bitch." 

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