Some Loose Screws

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Raven walked down the stairs in the morning to find Boyd in the kitchen. She gave him a confused looked before pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"What are you still doing here?" she asked.

"Just making sure you're alright," he replied.

"I think I'll be fine," she said.

"After last night I couldn't be too sure," Boyd walked over and rested his hands on her arms, "To see you and Raylan fighting, well that didn't sit right with me."

"You know I can take care of myself," She assured him.

"You know how many times I had to come get you to keep Aiden from killing you?" Boyd asked.

"You killed Aiden," Raven said.

"I didn't pull the trigger," Boyd said, "you did that yourself."

"Why were you at the house that night?" she asked.

She had never told Boyd she was going to face Aiden on her own. She hadn't told anyone. Now all this time later, the question had started to eat away at her. She studied his face wondering what thoughts were moving through his head.

"Because I couldn't let him hurt you again," Boyd answered, "I knew his intention this time was to kill you."

"Why didn't you shoot him sooner?"

"Because my daddy wouldn't let me."

"You knew he beat me. You knew he treated me like I was nothing."

"And believe me, everytime I heard about it I tried to put an end to it."

"Is the old Boyd Crowder who used to beat up on Aiden and protect little Raven starting to show up again?" she asked.

"He never went away," Boyd answered.

She didn't know what had come over her. The moment was all in one big sensation. This rush of emotions and feelings was overwhelming. Next thing she knew, her lips were connected to Boyd's. He returned the kiss wrapping her up in his arms. When she broke it, he lowered her gaze not sure what to think or what he was thinking. Boyd didn't say a word, he just held her letting her make the calls. She didn't know how long she stood there before she pulled away from him.

"Thank you Boyd," she whispered, "for everything."

She walked back up the stairs into her bedroom. Boyd heard the door close and he let out a sigh.

"My pleasure Raven."


Liz and Raylan both sat in the office facing forward but talking over the glass barrier.

"Somethings up and I need to find out what it is," Raylan commented.

"You really think Raven is that mad over you looking out for me?" Liz asked.

"There's an outside influence here that's twisting her mind and it's about time I find out who it is," Raylan stood up.

"Didn't you say Boyd Crowder was there?" Liz turned to face him.

"Ya but Boyd doesn't really know about anything that's been going on up here," Raylan said.

"But he was there in Nobles when I had my breakdown," Liz reminded him, "and he did call you to warn you about me being up there."

"Ya but I can't see a reason for Boyd filling Raven's head with nonsense," Raylan looked at her.

"It is Boyd Crowder," Liz reminded him.

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