Fear No Man

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Raylan turned to face the man who was the last one to see Liz. Raylan scanned him up and down and knew that there was something off. 

"Bartender," he said walking up standing next to Raylan, "A drink please! Your finest bourbon." 

"You come here often?" Raylan asked. 

"Yesterday I met this sweet little thing," Quarrels said in his happy go lucky tone Raylan was quickly finding annoying.

"Buy her a drink?" Raylan turned to face him. 

"Ya but she had a little to much so I called her a cab," Quarrels replied. 

"I see," Raylan gritted his teeth. 

He snatched up Quarrels shirt and got in his face, "You tell me where she is right now!" 

"I called her a cab what am I suppose to remember where It took her?" Quarrels acted like he was clueless. 

"I think you know exactly where she is!" Raylan yelled at him. 

"Let him go Raylan," the bartender suggested. 

"So you're Marshal Givens," Quarrels grinned. 

"I want to know where my partner is," Raylan hissed, "NOW!" 

"Raylan, right," Quarrels said, "I have no idea what you're talking about." 

Raylan let him go then snatched the keys to Liz's car off the table. He started to walk out but Quarrels stopped him. 

"You're the marshal that shot Tommy Bucks in Miami right?" He said. 

Raylan turned around and glared at the man. Raylan wanted Quarrels facial expressions were going to be reason enough to shoot him. 

"Ya you are," Quarrels laughed. 

"Ill see you later," Raylan started to walk away. 

"Id watch your back marshal," Quarrels said walking over to Raylan, "Cause one day youre going to be walking down the street and I'm going to shoot you and you're gonna drop." 

Quarrels pushed passed Raylan and started to walk out the door. Raylan pulled his gun out and fired a round into the ceiling. Quarrels turned around looking at the marshal wondering what he was doing. 

"Why wait," Raylan grinned. 

Both men stood in a stare down. Raylan held his gun at his side waiting for Quarrels to make a move. Raylan's eyes were narrow why Quarrels were amused. Raylan realized he hadn't been able to shoot straight since he got shot and now he was in a old style western duel. A gun shot made them both snap their heads in that direction. The bartender stood there holding a shot gun. 

"I suggest you both leave," he said. 

"Ill be seeing you later," Quarrels turned around and stepped away. 

"What was that about," the bartender asked 

"Marshal business," Raylan tipped his hat then walked out the door. 


She opened her eyes to a screaming headache. She felt like she had a massive hang over. Made her wonder what Quarrels had given her. She sat up and leaned against the wall letting her chin drop to her chest. She could barely keep her eyes open and could hear a buzzing in her ears. She heard the door open and the sound echoed in her ears making her headache worse. Someone grabbed her chin and forced her head up she could see figures and hear whispers but not make anything out. Something slammed into the side of her head. She hit the floor and the ringing got louder. She tried to come to a bit more but the effects of the drugs were still in her system. 

"Where's Raylan," he words sounded distant even in her own head, "Where is he?" 

"He's not going to save you!" Another voice came into her head. 

She looked up seeing Quarrels figure standing over her. She gritted her teeth and tried to swing her legs to hit him but failed. She heard him laughing before she felt another needle prick her arm and she slipped back into unconsciousness. 


Raylan sat in his car watching Quarrels. He had taken Liz's car to be less suspicious. He followed him to a house in a suburban neighborhood. He had been sitting outside for about an hour when his phone rang. He answered it why keeping his eyes on the house. There wasn't much activity going on. It did catch his interest when Duffy showed up. Raylan watched as he was greeted on the front step by Quarrels. They talked for a few minutes then both left. Raylan got out of his car and decided to investigate. He walked up to the house and scanned the windows for any sign of life. He went around back and busted in the backdoor. He traced through the house with his gun raised. He moved down the hall kicking in doors and scanning rooms. He kicked in one and when he entered it, he saw someone curled up on the corner. He checked the hall before entering the room. As he got closer, he realized who it was. 

"Liz!" she ran to her side and pulled her into his chest. 

She had blood stains in her hair, bruises on her face, and her hands and feet were bound. He cut the ties and found her wrists cruised and nicked. He leaned against the wall and cradled her frame. He felt her stir under his grasp and looked down with hopeful eyes. She let out a moan and her hands felt her chest. 

"Who is this?" she asked her voice barely a whisper. 

"Its me Liz," He whispered to her.

"Raylan," she buried her head in his chest, "Raylan help me." 

"I'm right here Liz," he kissed her forehead. 

They just sat in the silence Raylan holding onto Liz as she came back to life. They weren't sure how long they had been there when the sound of a door opening snapped them back into reality. He listened to the voices and knew one was Quarrels. But they didn't know how many people he was with. Raylan carefully moved Liz and stood up pulling his gun. He stood against the wall on the opposite side of the room so he would be behind the door when it opened. The voice's got closer and he signaled to Liz to keep quiet. The door opened and Quarrels walked in. 

"Ah your awake!" he said looking at Liz. 

"And you said you had no idea where she was," Raylan pointed his gun at Quarrel's head. 

"Deputy Givens," Quarrels voice got serious, "what a surprise." 

"You know the routine," Raylan said. 

"No Marshal," Quarrels said, "You need to understand my routine." 

"You pull," Raylan warned, "and Ill put you down!"

"How threatening," Quarrels laughed. 

"He means it Quarrels!" Liz snapped managing to get to her feet, "its over." 

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