Find Me

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"Where the hell is Raylan!" Art came storming over to Liz's desk.

She looked up at him knowing it couldn't be good.

"What happened?" she asked.

"He took off with his daddy's killer," Art's voice showing his anger, "where's his transponder at?! It better say he's in Leoville!"

Liz typed in the code for Raylan's transponder and the computer located him in Harlan. She grit her teeth knowing Art was about to come unglued.

"God Damn it!" Art snapped, "Liz call him and make sure to articulate my extreme displeasure and if anything happens to Hunter Mosely he will no longer be a Marshal! And neither will I! And that is where his nightmare will begin!"

"Yes sir," Liz put her head down.

"And if anyone else wants to screw up!" Art yelled at the whole office, "please wait till tomorrow."

Art stormed into his office and slammed the door shut. Liz let out a breath then picked up her phone dialing Raylan's number. She waited as it rang thinking of ways she could chew him out herself.

"You're callin cuz Art's pissed," He answered.

"He has every right to be!" she snapped at him, "what the hell were you thinking?"

"I want answers Liz," he replied.

"You can't hurt him," she stated.

"Not even a little?" he joked.

"It's not funny Raylan!" she hissed, "you know you're getting suspended for this one!"

"Ya but I'll deal with that when I get back," he replied too casually for Liz's taste.

"Fine," she let out a deep breath then hung up on him.


"Everyone up and move now!" art came flying out of his office.

"What's going on?" Liz asked.

"Raylan's got Drew Thompson," Art informed her, "now get ready and let's go!"

"Son of a bitch," she said to herself.

"Liz youre with me," Tim called across the room.

"No shes not," Art stopped them both in their tracks.

"Why?" Liz pried.

"You're going to be working traffic stops," Art informed.

"No!" she protested, "put me in the field. You know it's where I do all my best work!"

"Just do as I say marshal!" Art snapped.

"If you are punishing me for Raylan's actions this isn't fair," She argued again.

"It's not because of Raylan," Art stated, "I need someone I can count on to take down Drew if he shows."

"Make Rachel do it!" she practically yelled at him.

"Rachel is going to be trying to fix Raylan's mess."

"Oh I see, Raylan and I can't be trusted together," Liz said with sarcasm in her voice.

"In the current situation, the more you guys are apart the better."


Liz's phone went off and when she checked the caller ID she saw it was Raylan.

"This better be a good way to get me off the bench," she answered.

"Art left you in the office?" he said.

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