Fall Back

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"He said he playing checkers with his grandma all night," Shelby walked in with Boyd Crowder.

"Well that was before I knew you three were acquainted," Boyd commented.

"Well we're just getting to know one another," Raylan said then he laughed to himself, "how long were you up there?"

"Well it took me a little while to find a saw so I ate my way through the tree," Boyd said sarcastically.

"Tell your deputies to check the foot for teeth marks," Raylan looked over at Shelby laughing.

"His foot?" Boyd was confused.

"Thats all we found of him," Shelby answered.

"So far at least," Liz added.

"So let me get this straight," Boyd looked up at the Marshals, 'you brought me up here to see if I cut up Josiah? Knowing I spent all night handcuffed to a tree freezing my goddamn ass off!"

"You handcuffed Boyd to a tree?" Liz raised an eyebrow.

She couldn't help but laugh to herself at the idea of it.

"Maye one of your guys anyways," Shelby suggested.

"My momma told me that a man who couldn't keep his word wasn't much of a man at all," Boyd snapped back.

"That the state of mind you had when you told Raven you'd always be there for her?" Raylan jumped topics, "Cause according to me intel, you fed her some pretty damning information on Liz and I."

"Oh did she come crying to you about that?" Boyd looked up at him, "was that before or after she came into my bar and made a fool of my in front of my men."

"Raven made you look like a fool?" Liz laughed, "I would have paid to see that one!"

"Before you guys go off mocking me," Boyd stood up, "I've got places to be. Now can you take these cuffs off or am I going to have to pick them like I did the last set?"

Shelby got up and shoved Boyd back down in the chair.

"Now if you don't want to talk about Josiah," Shelby sat on the end of the desk, "Maybe there's another case you want to talk about. Maybe a missing persons case. A whore that worked for you."

"Ellen May?" Raylan questioned, "I liked Ellen May."

"Before you get curious Raylan," Boyd glanced over at him, "I did not kill Josiah Cairn."

"You saying hes dead?" Raylan questioned.

Boyd put his head down laughing.

"Were not playing around Boyd!" Liz snapped, "If you know where he is! Spit it out!"

"You said his foot got cut off," Boyd looked at Liz, "so if he hasn't met his maker, he's well on his way to join all his other asshole friends."

Liz was ready to put a beaten on Boyd and wipe his smug grin right off his face. But before she could, a well dressed woman walked in and looked at the three law officials.

"What are the charges?" she asked.

"Oh look my lawyer is here," Boyd stood up.

"You're Arlo's lawyer," Raylan recognized the woman.

"Someone had to provide your daddy with representation," Boyd remarked.

"If hes not under arrest," she ordered, "uncuff him."

Liz bit her lip out of frustration as Shelby let Boyd go. Once he was free, he turned to Liz and rubbed his wrists. He looked her up and down then gave that smug grin she hated so much.

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