It's Real

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Tim and Art moved through the high school to find Liz and Raylan. They reached the staircase and the first thing they noticed were the bodies.

"Raylan!" Tim called.

"I'd be careful coming up here if I were you," Raylan's voice came back.

"What's going on up there?" Art asked.

"Tim if you do have PTSD," Raylan commented, "I'm going to need you more than ever."

"Oh this can't be good," Tim looked over Art.

They slowly moved up the stairs. When they reached the top, they saw Liz pointing her gun at Raylan. Tim raised his and unwilling pointed it at Liz. It was a decision no one wanted to make, but if it came down to it, they couldn't let her shoot Raylan.

"I'm tired of you waking me up every night constantly! Everytime I close my eyes, you'd be there waiting to terrorize me! I'm tired of the bullshit!" Liz was screaming, her body shaking violently and had a death grip on her pistol.

"Raylan, listen to me very carefully," Tim said calmly, "Try to get her to recognize who you are. Be a bit stern like you're a commanding officer."

"I'll give it a shot," Raylan took a deep breath, "Deputy Hardstead this is Deputy Givens and I order you to stand down!"

"You're trying to trick me! You've played that card before!!" Liz didn't budge a single inch. "Only the real Raylan would save me from this nightmare! I won't let you plague my mind!!!"

"Try to convince her of where she is," Tim said, his eyes watching the woman carefully.

"Liz I am the real Raylan Givens," He said, trying to keep his voice calm, "We're in an abandoned high school in Harlan County. We were just in a standoff with mafia thugs."

"T-Then how come I saw my fellow marshals dead??? How come I heard their screams, calling out for me to save them, but I couldn't?! How do I know if you're lying to me? Trying to terrorize me again??" Liz's voice called down a bit, her arms lowering a tiny bit as well.

"Because you suffer from PTSD and your mind is trying to convince you that you're back in Baghdad," Raylan explained, "But you're not. You survived Liz! You're ok! I'm right here! And I will always protect you!"

Liz's vision switched from Baghdad to reality, the first thing she noticed was the gun in her hand and Raylan's hands in the air. "It really is you..." Liz felt herself snap back into reality, looking down at her pistol realizing her mistake. "I'm sorry, Ray." Tears threatened to escape her eyes, she turned the safety on and tossed the pistol off to the side, away from her.

Raylan rushed forward and pulled her into a hug. He didn't want to let her go. He wanted her to feel safe and sound.

"You're ok Liz," he whispered to her, "Im so sorry you have to deal with this."

Liz didn't let go, her mind was in a jumble and toxic. She still shook violently in her brother's arms. She didn't give a shit that her boss was standing behind her.

"Every night no matter if it was in my own bed in Kentucky, or on a cot or on the hot ground in Baghdad. I would remind myself to return so that someday I would cross paths with my big brother again. The hard times, deadly shootings, or even when I was taken hostage by them. You stayed on my mind, kept me sane. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here. My body would have still been in Baghdad..." Liz spilled it out.

Raylan hugged her harder knowing she had just confessed the most dearest thoughts in her head.

"You may not be the same Liz that left Miami a few years ago," he said, "But I keep reminding myself everyday and even in moments like this, how lucky I am to have you still here. Especially after you finally worked up the courage to tell me about the nightmare you went through. I'll always be here for you. I can't imagine not having my partner here with me."

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