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Bella pov.
I see Journey walking down stairs she smiles and said" your dad is kicking me out. It's a good thing I didn't unpack.""What why." She said" I'm not your sister. Your parents adopted me when I was a child." I nod but that's not a reason to kick a 15 year old girl out of the house. I said" Journey I'm here if you need me you know that right." She nods as we go to school.

Journey pov.
I get to my locker and open it then I hear " Journey I know you probably already know that me and my family ain't human." I said" yes I know." I look to see Gavin and Jasper. Jasper said" Journey I need to tell you some thing." I nod and said" okay." He said" Journey I'm your great grandfather Jasper." I smile and said" I knew it." He smiles then it's time for class. I sit down in class but before I could get my books out for the class a office lady walk in and said" Journey you are needed in the office." I nod as I got up and picked up my stuff then I went to the office.

Emily pov.
I hope Journey agrees to this. She walks in and smiles as she sees me. I seen she has been crying. I said" Journey, Jake said that you were kicked out of the house. We have room at the house. Unless you wont to go in foster care." She started crying and said" thank you so much Emily. When can I move in." I smile as she hugs me. We walk in the hall. I said" Journey you know you have to change schools." She looks scared. She said" where Jake and Paul and the other's ones go." I said" yes but not all are like you know what." She smiles but said" when do I move." I said" oh yeah I made sure you are in all Paul's classes. And he doesn't have a girl yet." She smiles as she blushes. I said" I signed you out for today so clean your locker out. Then meet me in the front. Sam is waiting for us but take your time." She nods. She said" can we keep this to ourselves until I go to their school." I smile and nod.

Journey pov.
I get to my locker and start cleaning it. Good thing I haven't even decided to put my stuff in here. It doesn't take much time. I see a picture of Bella Charlie and myself. I rip him out of the picture and keep us and thro him away. I started out when I was stoped by Gavin. I said" what I need to go." He said" Please don't go stay I'm sorry." I said" I got kicked out of Charlie's house I have to go." He said" move in with us." I said" I'm sorry but I don't think that is a good idea. Bye Gavin." I walk to the old truck. I said" Hey Sam." He smiles and said" I'm sorry this is happening to you." I said" Thanks and Thank you for letting me move in with you and Emily." He said" we have some thing to tell you too." I nod and he said" Emily is your cousin. Which means we're family and We take care of family. I hope you feel that too." I smile as I nod. We left for the house. They drop me off as they go to the store. I go to the beach and lay down on a blanket. It's not really a sunny day so I don't have to worry about getting sun burned. I close my eyes to clear my head and listen to the waves of the ocean.
Skip time.
I open my eyes as I hear some one walking. I look to see a wolf. I smile hopefully he knows who I am. He lays down in front of me. I said softly" Hi there." He nod. I said" you understand me." He smiles as he walks over to me. He lays down beside me and lays his head in my lap. I blush as I said" I'm not that kind of girl if that's what your thinking about." He looks at me then he left. I look up and around not seeing any one. So I diside to get in the water. I take off my dress and walk in. I stop as the water was at my stomach. I take my hair out of the pony tail its in. My hair comes down to the button on my bra. I am too busy looking at the water to notice some one walking to me.

Paul pov.
I walk in Sam's house and see Journey's stuff. So I go through it. I know that it's not right but I need to know if your staying or not. I don't see any thing. I look out the window to see my beautiful soon to be wife. Yes I believe that she will accept me as her lover. I see Journey took her dress off as she walks in the water. My imprint is truly beautiful. I don't care that she is a little bit over weight or that she's so short and shy. That's what I love about her. I need to know if she is staying. So I walk down there. I got to the water. Journey dosen't know I'm here. I said" Hey." she jumps and falls in the water. I jumped in and picked her up. Took her to the blanket. I had my tshirt in my back pocket I took it out and helped Journey put it on. Journey said" thank you and why did you scare me fore." I said" I'm sorry Journey I didn't know you didn't hear me. Are you hurt." She blushes as she looks down at herself. I said" Hey no one is home do you want to go get dry off. I have some clothes here you can borrow." God just want I have always wanted to see my imprint wearing my clothes. Journey said" if you don't mind I'll take it." I smile as I get up with Journey in my arms. I go in a room I use when I stay here. I put Journey on her feet. As I look through my clothes I takes quick looks  at Journey and her body. To be short she has a fine body. I go back and grab a white tshirt and my green boxers. I said" here. Bathroom is in there." I point at a door. I said" I'm going down stairs to get some thing to eat do you want some thing." She said" yeah Emily told me that there was left overs from last night that needs to be eat." I nod. And went down stairs. As I get the food wram up the door opens up and the guys runs in. Damn it. Jared said" what do we have here." I said" is Jake with you." They shook their head no. I smile. I said" can y'all do me a favor." Jared said" what." I said" Journey is up stairs." I was cut off by footsteps and a sweet voice said" Paul who is here." I turn to the stairs to see Journey walking down them wearing my shirt and my green boxers. She has her hair in a bun on top her head. I growl as I hear some one said" damn." Jared said" so what did you too do." He smirks. Journey blushes as she said" we didn't do anything I fell in the water and Paul was nice enough to let me borrow some of his clothes." I smile. I guide Journey to the couch and wrap her up in the blanket and started the fireplace. I took the guys back in the kitchen. I said" look I'm going to tell her." Jared said" oh and you want us gone so you too can make out." I said" no I need yall to keep Jake away from here. Until morning. I can't be worried about him coming in and messing every thing up like the other day." They nod as they wished me luck and left. I went back to Journey to see her reading a book that says how to  tell if a guy likes you. I laugh and said" why are you reading that mess." Journey said" I'm trying to figure out if someone likes me or not. I don't want to be hurt again. Speaking of hurt Gavin told me that I could move in with them." I hope she doesn't Please. She said" I told him no. Plus I have a home now." I smile and said" so that means your staying." Journey smile and said" yes I'm moving in with Emily and Sam here." I smile knowing she's not leaving me. I said" Journey there is some thing I need to tell you. Remember when Jake told you that you were his imprint.".

Journey pov.
I nod. Paul said" you are not his imprint." I smile and said" oh thank God. I love him but not like that. Only as a friend. I try not to Lee him on but sometimes he can't see the stops signs." Paul laughs and said" Journey your still an imprint." I smile hopefully I'm yours. He said" Journey I have known you for a long time but then your mother died and you were gone for a while then back then you didn't know who I was and you still don't. But I just want to know I'm here and will always be around to help you. Because I'm your wolf and your my." Before he could say any thing else the door opens and Sam and Emily walk in. I said" well good night I'm going to bed good night." Emily smiles as I walk upstairs.

Sam pov.
I laugh see that we came in at the wrong time. I said" did you tell her." He jumped up and said" no I was so close too." I smile as I said" don't worry Journey will be here in the morning hey why don't you stay here." Emily said" did Journey have on your tshirt and boxers.?" Paul said" she was in the water and I scared her and she fell in." I said" aww her Hero." He gave me a look and then after we got everything put up we all went to bed. Emily said" do you think he will tell her tomorrow." I said" I hope so." She smiles and we fell asleep.

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