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Paul pov.
She was lying on the bed, taking a nap as usual. Being pregnant has made her exhausted and she has been taking lots of naps lately. She was wearing my t-shirt which was 3 sizes too big on her frame, making it the perfect napping outfit. On the plus side, it smelled like me, too, I walked by the bedroom, saw her on the bed and leaned on the doorway. "Mmm, baby. You need another nap today? Your body must be going through so much.""I've been trying to nap for like an hour. I'm so sleepy but my breasts have been really achey and tight feeling today. I can't figure out why and I'm not allowed to take pain medication." She was pouting a little in her misery. It was a helpless feeling. "Awww, my poor baby girl. Here, let me massage them. It might help." I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. I pulled down the blanket to reveal the loose t-shirt over her fully rounded belly. She wasn't showing too much yet, especially when she wore my t-shirts. But the baby made her bigger than others pregnancies belly's. "Is it okay if I lift your shirt?" She got cold so easily that I always wanted to make sure she could handle being naked. I rubbed her shins instinctively trying to keep her warm. "Yes, please. Thank you for doing this, Paul." She smiled so gratefully that my heart melted a little. How could I not help her out? We're in this together and she was going through so much. I'm so amazed at how positively she was handling all these changes. "Of course, baby...now, let's get you feeling better." I smiled back at her, admiration filling every crease in my smile. I reached over to the closest breast to me and examined it. They were both looking a little more swollen than usual - slightly filled, even. "Have you massaged or squeezed your breasts at all? Or did you fall asleep on them?" I was still caressing her breast as I waited for her to think. "...No, I don't think so...I've been too scared to touch them because they ache so much.""Hmm...okay. Let me do some massaging and if that doesn't work, I'll call the doctor and see what he says." I put one hand underneath her breast and used my other hand to feel around, kind of like a breast exam. She flinched a little from the pressure she felt. I was watching her face to monitor her pain. I kept massaging, a little harder this time, thinking I might find a knot or something that needed working out. She whimpered a little, trying to hold it back so I wouldn't worry. "Oh - hey, sweetheart. Did that hurt? I need you to tell me when - wait my hand is a little wet. What is that?" I examined my hand and noticed a little white droplet on my index finger. She saw it, too. Her face started to turn red as she realized what was happening. "Oh...""Baby...awww...baby, you're starting to lactate. I knew you'd be getting close to that time in the pregnancy but it completely slipped my mind." My voice turned tender and very loving. I was so busy examining the droplet I hadn't noticed her face until now. "Hey," I chuckled softly, "you silly little thing. Why are you embarrassed?" I caressed her cheek, gazing deeply into her eyes to try and read her. "Because, I've never lactated before...I feel like I don't even know my body anymore." Her body was changing so fast that she could barely keep up. And she felt like she should've known she'd be lactating soon. I was looking at her with so much love and understanding. I wanted to take away all these negative emotions she was feeling and help her to enjoy this time in her life. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry you feel that way but you know, there are some really great things that can come out of this.""Oh yeah, like what?" She was not convinced. " like taking all the naps in the world." I laughed out loud but she didn't laugh back. "Nah, I'm just joking, baby." I was still chuckling. "But on a more serious note, you look really sexy like this. I can't keep my eyes off of you." A smile was starting to creep up on her face. "and sex is supposed to feel amazing right now." I said, tenderly. "Really? Where'd you hear that?" Her face was starting to turn red again just thinking about having sex while pregnant. "The doctor told me after you stepped out of the room at our last check in." I was caressing her cheek again. "What?! How can a doctor talk about stuff like that? And what's he doing telling you that kind of stuff? He's my doctor!" She was starting to get worked up, knowing that it wasn't good for her but not being able to help it. Her emotions escalated much without her permission these days. "Hey, shhh. Baby, I need you to relax for me, ok?" I waited for her to take a few deep breaths like they had practiced. "When you walked out to use the bathroom, we were just having a little guy talk and it casually came up. He was speaking from experience, and to be honest, it made me feel a lot better about this.""What do you mean it made you feel better about this?" Her face dropped. I could read her face like a book. "Oh my god, you're so silly baby, I am not talking about having second thoughts about us. I'm just saying that...you've been really sexy lately and it's turned me on so much seeing your body change and watching you handle it with such grace. You're glowing, baby. But I didn't want to burden you with my horny needs and most importantly, I didn't want to hurt you in any way. I didn't know if it would even be okay to have sex while you were pregnant given the pain you've been in lately. So, I was just talking to the doctor about it and he said sex would actually help you feel better." My hand moved to her inner thigh and I gently massaged it, knowing how tight she gets there. It felt so good she had to try and suppress a moan. "so you actually want my body this way?" She asked, timidly. "Yes, princess. A thousand times yes. I want to make love to this beautiful, sexy, radiant body. I want to make you feel so good. I want to take care of you in every way that I can. And in every way that you need." I was saying all the right things, and my hand was still massaging her inner thigh. Her eyes started to roll back a little and she pursed her lips to hold back another moan. "Y'know...it's okay for you to moan for me. In fact, I encourage it. I want you to be as loud as you want. I want to be able to hear your pleasure, baby." I adjusted myself on the bed so that I was laying on my side, next to her. I moved my hand up a little to feel her panties. "Oooh, baby. You are so wet. are you fucking wet for me. Does it turn you on knowing I want to use my cock to pleasure this pregnant little body of yours?" This time, she let out a loud, slow moan. Her head went back a little. It had been quite a few months since we had done anything this intimate. I used this chance to start kissing her neck as I gently moved my finger up and down her panties. "That's it, baby, let it out. I love you so much." I whispered in her ear as I nibbled at her neck. "How about we take these panties off?" Her legs were straight so I pulled her panties down and off in one fell swoop. "Also, let's fold your legs out and open, kind of like a frog. It actually puts less pressure on your back." I moved her legs for her and got back into my side position. "Now, where were we..." I slowly inched my hand down her body and back to her wet slit. I winked and laughed a little. I was always able to keep the mood light and get her out of her head. She smiled and widened her legs again. This time, settling in to get comfy. She felt so safe with me. "That's it, sweetie. Get nice and comfy for me." I whispered in her ear as I continued to kiss her neck and gently rub her wet pussy. She reached down to feel my cock over my pants which was already rock hard and hot. Perfect for her cold hands. My rubbing quickened as I paid special attention to her now swollen clit. Her arousal had caused it to swell and my slow and steady circles were getting her close to an orgasm. "Oh - was that a quiver, baby? Do you want daddy to take you over the edge?""F-fuck. Yes, please. Don't stop making circles on my clit. It feels goo-" As she was saying that, I quickened my pace on her clit, making relentless circles which pushed her to the orgasm she had been craving for so long. She didn't just see fireworks, she felt like she was a firework. Bursting with pleasure. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever had. I guess if her lows got extremely low during this time, it only makes sense that her highs would get really high. "Oh fuck yes, baby, that's it...that's it. Cum for daddy. Buck your hips while you cum like a good little girl." I continued to rub her clit at that pace until her breathing started to slow down and she stopped bucking. I put four fingers over her pussy to ground her, taking away that throbbing sensation and bringing her back to reality. "Did that feel good baby?" I moaned, kissing her cheek. "I needed that so much." She couldn't stop smiling. "Oh, I know you did, you wet little thing. But, I'm not done with you, yet. I need to make sure every part of you is satisfied. It's the only way you'll be able to take a relaxing nap." I started to move down and between her legs. "But first, let me clean you up." My mouth was inches from her pussy and I smiled up at her. I reached my hands out so that she could hold them as I moved into her pussy. The first lick was like ecstasy. Her legs were vibrating from the pleasurable sensations. I licked up and down and suckled on her clit, making sure to get every little nook and cranny. Once I was satisfied, I looked up once again. "I'm going to try and finger you a little to get you used to my size again. I'm not sure how tight you'll be. If it hurts, though, I need you to tell me right away, okay? I know you and I don't want you to go through any pain just to give me pleasure.""Okay, I will." I knew her so well. I started to gently lap at her clit while I brought my middle finger to her entrance. I toyed with the opening before slowly entering with the first ¼ inch of my finger. I kept entering in, and pretty soon my whole middle finger was inside. "It's in. Are you good, baby?" I looked at her face to catch any pain she might be hiding. "I'm good." She smiled back at me. "Mmm...good. And what about if I hook my finger up like this and move in and out a little?" I grazed over her g-spot and she was back on the edge of feeling like a firework. She arched her back, not being able to contain the pleasure. "Woah, I'll take that as a positive, then." I started to ram my middle finger in and out of her pussy, keeping that hooked motion to reach her g-spot. Just as she was starting to get close to squirting, I started to add another finger. Her pussy tensed up a bit. "I don't know if I'll be able to take two fingers. I'm too tight now.""Oh, baby, I know you can take it. I can feel your pussy stretching to my size. I need you to relax, for me. Take those deep breaths we practiced. In and out in and out." I put one of my hands on her chest to feel her breaths. "That's it, baby. You're doing so well for me." I caressed her belly before moving back to her pussy. "I'm going to try again, okay?" She nodded. I went back down to her pussy to lick her clit while I entered her with two fingers this time. I sensed her pussy clenching and unclenching around my fingers and knew she would squirt soon. I held her butt up at an angle so I could really graze over her g-spot consistently. Within seconds, her back arched and she let out an unbelievable moan that even she was surprised by. "Holy fuck, baby, I don't even need to ask if that felt good. You squirted all over the bed sheets, you sexy thing." Her mind was ravenous from all these orgasms. "Babe, I can't wait anymore. I need your cock right now. I need to feel your cock inside me right fucking now." She was desperate, yearning to be penetrated by my fat, juicy cock. To be filled with my cum. "Aww, I'm so happy you're enjoying this. I want to fuck you just as badly, baby girl. How about you get on top of me. I was reading about angles that would feel the best for you during this trimester and I'll actually be able to hit your g-spot with my cock.""But, I feel heavy. It's even hard for me to lift myself out of the bathtub. How can I be on top?""You've got me sweetheart, I'll hold you up. You don't have to do anything but enjoy yourself." I caressed her breasts and belly gently and moved to lay flat on the bed. I lifted her up onto me and placed her on my hips. I folded my legs up at a 45 degree angle and moved her onto my lap. "You want to play with my cock a little?" I asked, rubbing her thighs up and down. "No, I want to be fucked senseless by your fat cock, babe." "Aww, okay. Let's do it." I chuckled, finding her need endearing. I stretched to my side table and grabbed some lube. I put a thick layer on her pussy and on my cock. I looked her in the eyes as I lifted her up with one hand and held my cock in place with the other. "You ready?" I asked. She remembered to take her deep breaths and allowed her weight to push down on my cock. My head started to penetrate her entrance. She let out a moan and lowered herself down even further, allowing the pleasure to overtake the pain of her tight pussy. "You took that so well, baby girl. You're doing such a good job for me. I'm going to fuck you so hard, and give you everything you need." I took a deep breath and lifted her up a little and started to slowly thrust into her. The sensation was different than when she wasn't pregnant. It was tighter, she felt more filled, but also there was a natural pressure right above her pelvis that allowed her g-spot to be stimulated more easily. I could feel her pussy throbbing as I grazed over it and let out some deep moans as I continued to thrust. Her pussy started getting even more wet, making my job that much easier. "Fuck me harder, please!" Her breathing was getting ragged. "You're so polite, baby. How can I say no?" I smiled and rubbed my thumb against her chin in an endearing way before holding her hips with both hands, lifting her a little higher and ramming my cock into her with long, fast pumps. I noticed milk wasn't coming out as easily on the left breast and switched sides. As soon as my lips reached her left nipple, a rush of milk released into his mouth. "Mmmmm fuck yes give it to me baby girl. Give me all of your milk. I love the taste so much," I said in between sucking and swallowing. The combination of the thrusting and the release of pressure from her breasts was getting her close to an erupting orgasm. "Please don't stop. Keep fucking me harder. I love the way you suck on my nipples.""I'm going to cum all over your fat, hot cock." Her orgasm reached its peak and I started to pound into her pussy like never before. "That's it, baby. Cum for daddy." Her milk started to erupt from her nipples and I drank every last drop. The release set her over the edge and doubled the length of her orgasm. She squirted all over my lap. She was starting to hyperventilate from the pleasure. "Shhh, lets slow down now baby," I said, removing my mouth from her nipple. "No, don't fucking stop yet. I need your cum inside me." She begged. I looked a little surprised at first, but then, a naughty grin appeared. "Oh, I'll fucking fill you with my seed if that's what you want, baby girl." I moaned and started to thrust even harder, making sure to graze over her g-spot once again. "Squirt one more time for me and I'll give you all my cum, princess." I whispered in her ear as I held her close. This wouldn't be a hard task as she was getting close to orgasming once again. "5..." I gazed deep into her eyes. "4..." And smiled my loving smile at her. "3..." Her pussy started throbbing, clenching and unclenching on my cock. "2..." I licked my thumb and brought it to her swollen clit, continuing those slow circles she loved so much directly on her clit. Within and instant, she gasped and I could tell she couldn't hold it in any longer. " 1 cum for me, baby. Cum. Do it. I know you can." I quickened the pace of my circles on her clit as she erupted with pleasure. "I-I'm c-c-umming..." She was barely able to let out those two words as she released her wettest orgasm yet. Her cum squirted all over my cock. I continued to rub circles on her clit and brought my mouth back to her nipple and began suckling. The sensation once again prolonged the orgasm and she felt like she was cumming all over again. "Fuck yes, you naughty little thing. I'm getting so close. I'm going to pump you full of my cum. You'll be so full that it'll slowly drip out of you as you sleep, reminding you that you're mine. All mine." My thrusting quickened as I rubbed her clit, her incessant throbbing remained and set me off into a mind-blowing orgasm. "F-fuck, your pussy is so tight, I'm gonna cum fuck I'm gonna cum inside..." I held her down close to me and put a nipple back into my mouth as I erupted inside of her, pumping slowly to make sure every drop was inside of her. I slowly stopped thrusting and looked up at her. Her nipples, her clit and her pussy hole were thoroughly satisfied. "Mmmm, are you feeling better now, sweetie?" I asked, picking her up and laying her on the bed on her back. "Yes, so much better, thank you." She said with a sleepy smile. As she was turning to her side to hug me, I stopped her. "Ah, ah, ah. You need to lay on your back with your legs spread to keep those pretty little lactating breasts of yours healthy  and to keep my cum inside you. I want to be able to watch it slowly drip out,""Oh no...I usually sleep on my left side.""Well, I can stay here and hold you in place for your nap. How does that sound?" I put an arm over her and started to caress her breasts again. She yawned. I put four fingers over her pussy to ground her, feeling some of the cum already leaking out, "That's a good girl. Get some rest for me, okay?" She felt me kiss her forehead as she drifted off to sleep.

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