Chapter 34

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Hey my lovely people, how are you all?

Guys i am so so so sorry. I promised you all that i would be posting soon but it took me a long time to come up with this chapter. The thing is, i unexpectedly got quite busy the last week. We were having an "all girls" get together  so i was super busy with the prep. Us seniors were also practing dance to show to our juniors and that took alot of my time. But we had so much fun guys! There are only 8 of us girls but we enjoyed our time alottt.
Anways, i wrote this chapter on Monday but i wasn't able to upload it. I was about to upload it yesterday but i was at school the whole day! I literally came back home at around 8 in the evening. That is why this chapter was a little delayed. Sorry once again.❤

Enjoy reading my beautiful people.

"And this is the last one." Pear said placing the flower bouquet in order of the time they were supposed to be delivered.

It is currently Monday. Two days after Wins's confrontation with Bright at New's office where Bright had asked him to up his game. Yesterday was the court day for Green's and Dim's case. The case went quite smoothly at the beginning and when Green's side was sure of their victory, Dim's lawyer played some dirty game but luckily New was prepared for all of that. And as people say "All is well, when it ends well." Green won the case! Win didn't expect it but Bright was present in the courtroom too. He was sitting at one corner of the room, away from all eyes and it wasn't until lunch that Win spotted him. After the court day was over, Win had literally sprinted towards Bright asking him to drop him home as he didn't bring his car, which was obviously a lie. But to his dismay, Bright said that he had some other work and left.

"What if i really didn't have my car? Asshole!" Win shouted after Bright had left the place.

Anyways, coming back to the present. Win was prepping his reconciliation plan with Bright. For the starters, he was preparing flower bouquet for Bright. He and Pear had come to office early specifically for this. Win had planned 12 bouquets for Bright, each bouquet for each passing hour. Staring from 08:00, when Bright started his office day and ending at 19:00, when Bright left for the day. Each bouquet contained a note that took Win the entire night to write.

He had made Pear and Earn incharge of delivering the bouquets. Pear would pass it to Earn amd Earn would finally deliver it to Bright. That was the plan.

But to Wins's dismay, he didn't hear a single word from Bright. When he had asked Earn about Bright's reaction she had said that Bright gladly accepted the first bouquet, with a smile on his face, thinking it was from his clients or admirers but when Earn revealed his name, Bright seemed apprehensive. Although, he did accept each and every bouquet Win sent but he never showed any expression. Honestly said, he looked like he couldn't care less. This broke Wins's heart a littl but he knew before he started that he had a long way to go.

And this went on for the whole week. Win would without a miss send Bright 12 flower bouquets every single day! Always attached with a hand written note from him and might he add, the notes were always around one to two pages long. But he didn't get a single reaction out of Bright.

Win doesn't know about himself but Bright had definitely upped his game. In ignoring Win!

Two days after he had started sending those bouques, Win had somehow manage to slip himslef into Bright's busy schedule by sharing lunch. Although their lunch were no more the same. Win was always the one managing his schedule to have lunch with Bright, Bright didn't even compromise a bit. Win sometimes had to wait for long hours in Bright's room to just get to eat lunch. While Bright didn't kick him out of the room, he no more gave up his comfy chair for Win like he used to. And neither did he offer any snacks to Win, although Win could see the rack still full of snacks. When Earn delivered those flowers during Wins's presence to Bright, Bright's reaction had literally made him heartbroken. All Bright did was had asked Earn to place the bouquet in one corner of the room, Win was right there but Bright didn't even as much as thank him. Had it been any other circumstances or someone else , Win would have given up by now but given the fact that it was Bright, the one he could not live without, Win was ready to put up with everything.

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