Chapter 8

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"Just like how those beauty marks compliment your face? Yeah, it is indeed amazing," Chaeyoung mumbled under her breath. "I love your moles," she confessed, "they resemble a constellation... right?"

"Ah yeah, Cassiopeia..." Chaeyoung nodded attentively before taking a look at Mina's face, particularly on the moles painted and scattered across her own galaxy. Her eyes screams adoration, emphasized admiration and determined passion. Her eyes are whipped for Mina, and so is she and her whole being.

Chaeyoung just found out about that constellation and the story behind Cassiopeia just days ago, and the moment she saw the familiar group of stars, she immediately knew that Mina's moles are almost safely splayed in her face. Chaeyoung started diving into constellations, their forms, shapes and the brightest stars that composes it, as well as the mythologies and side stories behind the gods and Greek named after them.

"How did you find out, though?"

"I thought they were familiar since I saw them clearly and visibly the day you wore no make up, and I ain't wrong because they look like that constellation..."

"Thought you won't notice."

"I notice everything about you," Chaeyoung murmured below the usual level of her voice, making the sound muffled from Mina's auditory nerves. And Chaeyoung thanked the heavens for giving her the most needed luck when it comes to sudden impulses.


"Nothing," she smiled.

She notices every single detail about the girl, even the simplest and smallest. The fact is, she had Mina's face painted carefully and deliberately, hidden inside a safe box that will keep it from harm and any scratches that will ruin the quality and texture, hidden under her bunk bed to keep it out of reach from possible thieves even if she knew that no one would dare take a painting made by an unknown artist.

Chaeyoung notices everything... every inch of the features in Mina's face, the shape of her almost tightly pursed lips that curves into a mischievous smile when she laughs very hard and whenever she smiles. Chaeyoung notices her perfectly carved and pointed nose certainly made by the heavens. Chaeyoung has Mina's beautiful eyes scarred in the back of her mind. Chaeyoung notices the points on her smooth and silky face up to her long neck.

Chaeyoung notices how cute Mina walks and skips steps, she notices how straight Mina's back is, how elegant her posture is, how soft Mina speaks or even how Mina blinks and inhale.

She notices everything.

"Anyway, aren't you planning to enter college again and finish studying? You know... you have time."

"I still don't know... even if I want to, I'm not sure if I can support myself and provide everything I'll be needing. My part time job won't be enough for tuition."

"You wanna pursue arts & design, yeah?"


"Do it," Mina smiled.

"I'll try."

"No, don't try. Just do it. I'm sure you'll get to finish that in time. We gotta reach our goals. We'll still travel the world, won't we?"

"I can still be successful without finishing college though, can't I?"

"Of course you can,  but--" Chaeyoung grinned and raised her brows at the older, making Mina stop in the middle of her sentence. Mina rolled her eyes in annoyance, "don't get me started, Chaeyoung."

"Why? What will you do, Mina?" Chaeyoung spat, still teasing the latter.

"I don't know," Mina shrugged as a thought about something popped out in her mind, she then smirked. "I can do everything..." Mina ran her fingers in Chaeyoung's pointed nose to her jaw, tracing an imaginary line in it while sending chills on the latter's spine as if she got splashed by cold water right in the face.

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