Will You Marry Me?

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Philip's POV

I was really nervous today. I picked out my best outfit. I have been having a fit with my hair all day long!

"Should I wear up all up or wear it half up half down or all down"

"Philip you usually wear it half up half down why not just do that!?" Angie says


"This is going to be a long morning" Angie says

Theo's POV

"So you have to be really fancy for this restaurant" I ask for the 30th time

"Yes Theo stop asking" He says brushing my hair

"Oh and By the way I learned how to braid I can give you 2 Dutch braids"

I smiled and leaped up with joy.

"Oh please do it" I say sitting closer to him

After he does my hair I decide to do my makeup. I let to curls dangle on each of the sides of my head.

I put on my hood earrings and my lipgloss. I slip on my gold heels and make my way to the door.

"Theodosia the carriage won't be here for another 15 minutes"

"Oh ok I'm sorry you have to spend New Years by yourself"

"Oh it's ok I'm actually going over to Sally's House" He says cheerfully

"Oh that's cool"

Philip's POV

"Here slip this in your left pocket I hear it gives you good luck" Pa says handing me the ring box.

I give him a weird look

"Um ok"

"Philip the carriage is here be back by 1:30 a.m." Mom says giving me a kiss on the forehead


I get on the carriage and it starts heading to the Burr's Residence. Mr.Burr is standing on the porch with his arms crossed smiling.

"Theodosia your ride is here"

She comes out and everything else freezes. She was so beautiful. Her pretty brownish goldfish hair with her curls bouncing. Her dress was sparkling with the moon light. Her heels were dazzling as she made it onto the carriage.

"Hey Philip you look Handsome"

"You look really Amazing Theo"

We kissed as the carriage drove off.

We finally made it to the restaurant and I helped Theodosia off. We walk in and there was so many people in there.

"Um Table for 2 please"

The waiter leads us to a nice comfortable small booth near a window. You could see a bay outside.

"Ooh you can see the fire works from here they are so pretty" Theodosia says looking out amazed

"Yeah they are aren't they" I keep staring at Theodosia

I've never seen her so pretty and it's hard to keep my eyes off of her.

"Good evening may I start you 2 off with some Red or white wine?" The waiter asks

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