Chapter 8

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The next few days at 12 Grimmauld place were quite dull. Harry and Draco didn't really have much to do other than wrap up presents and talk about Hogwarts and the war.

Surprisingly, Harry had learnt quite a lot about Voldemorts meetings. It would definitely come in handy when telling others about what side is the right side, especially when he tortures his own followers if they do something wrong.

Draco would often sit down on the sofa next to Harry and tell him information on the death eaters and other things he thought Harry should know.

It was on Christmas Eve eve, when Draco told Harry something that the brunette couldn't even begin to believe.

"I wasn't sure whether to tell you this but I hope it will be useful to you. As I'm sure you know Snape is a death eater but what you don't know is that he's a spy for Dumbledore. The only reason why Snape goes to them meetings, is to find out whether Voldemort is planning anything that will harm the school, or you. Snape is one of The Dark Lord's most loyalist followers, like my father, so he will be trusted with most of The Dark Lord's plans. The only person who The Dark Lord trusts more than my father and Snape would be Wormtail, but he's way too scared to spill anything so that's probably why".

Harry looked as though someone had smacked him across the face with a fish. "So you're telling me this whole time Snape has actually been protecting me? What the fuck! That greasy haired git actually cares about my welfare? I don't even know how to believe that".

Draco wasn't surprised by the reaction. He knew his godfather was a git to most people, including him sometimes, so it made sense that Harry wouldn't believe him as he wouldn't either.

"Yeah when I found out, my reaction was the same as yours. I know my Godfather doesn't sound like someone who would be a spy for the light and actually care about you, but I swear on my magic that I'm telling the truth".

Harry looked around the room. He could feel magic swirl about the room when Draco said that. If you swore on your magic and lied, your magic would be immediately and permanently drained from you. It was not something you said as a joke.

"Well seeing as you've still got your magic, I have no choice but to believe you. But Merlins beard! Snape? A spy? Never would have thought it". Harry knew he had to tell Ron and Hermione. He knew the exact reactions they would have.

It seemed that after all, Snape really did have a soft spot for Harry.

Harry told Draco about the horcruxes, the problems he was facing with them and that he was gonna skip 7th year to hunt them with Ron and Hermione.

"I'll come with you! I promise to be on my best behaviour and minimal temper tantrums".

Harry wasn't convinced. "Draco it's too dangerous, I don't want any more people to risk their lives for me. It's bad enough having Ron and Hermione coming with me, but there was no way they were gonna let me go by myself, so they had to come with me. Draco I don't want you to get hurt".

"Harry, I don't give a rats tail if you don't want me to get hurt. I understand that you don't want people to risk their lives for you, but we are in the middle of a war. People are going to die and you aren't going to be able to stop that. Harry you need to stop trying to save everybody, it's unrealistic. I'm coming with you to hunt horcruxes. End of story.

Harry knew Draco was right and that he wasn't going to back down. Yes people were going to die, but that didn't make it any less harder to come to terms with. Enough people had already died because of him. He just didn't want any others to join that list.

"Fine. I'm only agreeing because I know that you won't back down. I know you're right, I do need to stop trying to be the hero, but it's easier said than done Draco. I don't want people dead because of me".

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