"A Note?"

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A/N: i hope this is entertaining and you guys love this one even more than the first. All characters in this are 18+ unless otherwise stated.

Dipper's pov:

It's been 5 years since Mabel and I last went to Gravity Falls. It's not that we didn't want to go, it's more of that we couldn't go. We both ended up getting caught up in our lives, with some jobs and dating and well our mom and dad. But it's been a while and we have now graduated high school, so we have both decided to take a break from school and visit everyone back in Gravity Falls.


I was packing up some suitcases to have sufficient clothes and came across my old vest. I felt a wave of cringe, "I couldn't believe I ever used to wear this." I laughed and tossed it into a drawer instead of my suitcase, it didn't even fit me so why would I take it. I noticed a piece of paper that fell out of the pocket. I grabbed it, in curiosity I opened it. It had every single person me and Mabel ever met and became friends with. I smiled and read through some of the notes and names. I decided to take a break from packing and went out of my room to go show Mabel.

"Hey Mabel!! Look what I found!" I rushed down to her room and pushed the door open, she was packing as well, until I startled her. "Holy...yes dipper?" I walked over and sat on her bed, "Look what I found" i handed her the note. She looked confused until she opened it. She smiled wider than ever. "Our friends..." she read aloud the names and began to tear up. "Oh.. i can't wait to go and see all of them. I already even let Candy and Grenda know." Her eyes not leaving the note.

Until she turned it around and her smile turned into something serious. "Dipper....Did you ever turn it around?"

"Well I mean yeah...It's just Wendy, soos, and Pacifica who's names are on the back..why?" I looked confused and concerned, i got off her bed and sat on the floor next to her. "Well...look closer..." she handed me the note again. "Look in between Pacifica's name.." I did as she said. I could feel all the colour from my skin wash out. "I am eternal...Bill...." I turned to look at Mabel. We both became fearful and wondered what could've been happening to gravity Falls. "Oh great...." I sighed and laid on the floor. "I don't want to have to deal with him again.." Mabel slowly looked around and packed more of her clothes. "Well...bill has no power of anything unless it's a dream..remember..We can't let this get to our heads dip..especially if we're going to be living with ford and Stan again..we cant put them in danger." I sighed heavily closing my eyes. "yeah you're right..." i gave her a small smile, "well okay then. I'm going to finish packing so we can leave in few. Are you taking waddles by any chance?" I stood up and walked towards her door. "Yeah!! Obviously! He's my best friend" she laughed and looked at her pig who was in the corner eating an apple. I laughed and shook my head. "Geez.. alright...I'm going to go finish up now.." i left her room with a smile which quickly became a look of concern.

—1 hour later—

Nobody's Pov:

Both twins got in the car their parents let them borrow and started driving towards Gravity Falls, it was a 2 almost 3 hour drive and they didn't want to take the bus since they knew how to drive now. Waddles and Mabel were asleep in the backseat while Dipper drove. He got stuck with driving since Mabel ended up getting to the backseat first, funny its usually the other way around right?.

After the two and a half hours they arrived at their Grunkles shack. Both twins grabbed their suitcases and the pig, obviously, walking in. They were greeted by Candy, Grenda, Wendy, and all their friends. They all hugged and began talking and crying tears of joy. It a loud emotional mess, but a happy one. After all of the happy tears and overlapping voices they all quieted down and the twins went up to their old room and unpacked their stuff.

"It's nice to see that soos settled down. I'm happy for him." Mabel said happily to dipper while she put her clothes into her dresser. "Yeah..to bad we missed the wedding." Dipper smiled and gave a small sigh, "he deserves to be happy though and I'm glad he found it.." he said making Mabel nod in agreement. "Well lets go back downstairs and spend some time with all of them."

Both twins went back downstairs and chatted up with all their friends and family. Grenda, candy and Mabel talking about boys and love like always but this time Pacifica was included. Wendy, soos, melody, and dipper all talked to dipper about what he's been doing and keeping the conversation pretty typical. "Soooo...any girl you've been crushing on?" Wendy smirked as she spoke. "Well actually..." dipper scratched his head getting nervous, "yeah.. but not only a girl...."he swallowed hard making all three confused and look at each other, "I'm also crushing on a few..guys.." Wendy and melody smiled at him and soos gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder. "I've come out as bisexual and have been out for like almost two years..i just never had the chance to tell you guys because I wanted to tell you in person you know.?" Dipper smiled nervously but relived they all accepted him. "We're happy as long as you are dude. We don't care who you like man." Soos smiled at him.

Grunkle Stan overheard and walked up to him, "you always did march to the beat of your own drum." He smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder causing dipper to turn around. Dipper sighed and felt as if a whole weight lifted off his shoulder. Well...almost..remember the note?


"Oh hey Ford!" Dipper walked up to ford making him halt in surprise, "I was wondering if you can help me understand something.." ford raised an eyebrow and tilted his head in confusion, "what is it?" Dipper handed him the note he remembered was in his pocket. He had forgotten about it until Mabel brought it up again to him. Ford opened the note and looked confused, "what about it dipper? It just seems like a normal farewell note."

"Well look closer, by Pacifica's name." Dipper flipped the note to the back and pointed out Pacifica's name. Ford's face grew sick. As if he smelled something foul and was about to throw up. "Can you please help me understand this...I didn't know it was there either until Mabel pointed it out.." ford folded the note back up and handed it to dipper, "listen my boy...that demon hasn't been back since you and your sister were here. He won't easily return unless someone can summon him or make a deal. But everyone has learned their lesson here." Ford looked at dipper who still seemed scared and traumatised by the past event. "Even Gideon?" Dipper said as he put the note back into his pocket. "yes even Gideon." Ford chuckled a little giving a smile in hopes to relax the boy. "Now lets all go and walk around the town. I'm sure everyone here misses you two" ford put his hand on his shoulder and started walking towards the others with him.

A/N: was this interesting? I got a little distracted while tying this and also i time skipped a lot to skip all the boring basic parts so i hope y'all don't mind.

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