"First Day Back"

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A/N: Some parts may be shorter than others cause sometimes i forget what it was going to put😂 sorry I'm dory out here.

Dipper's Pov:

We've been out on the town, going to different places and seeing different people. Everyone has greeted us warmly except like one or two people who just didn't say anything, but whatever. We went to the diner and ate and talked some more. But it was mainly about our love life...or mine actually. "So dipper how did you know? How long have you known?" Ford questioned me as if it was something he's never heard of. "Well..erm...actually..I've been figuring it out and I didn't't really understand the term until Mabel brought it up to me when i told her that there was a good looking guy and that i wanted not only to be him but i wanted to be with him." I felt really awkward explaining all of this, but i guess its just normal since they never could've imagined me being this way. "So, wait, have you been with a guy?" Wendy looked at me while she shoved three fries in her mouth. "...um..."i couldn't help but give a nervous laugh, "I mean..." i didn't know how to answer. I had all eyes on me which made me almost shut down. Until Mabel butt in. "I guess you could say he has since he's made out with a few guys but other than that I doubt he's done anything else." Mabel nudged my arm and gave me a bright wide smile. Wendy nodded and continued eating. "Makes sense. He shouldn't be rushed to do anything he doesn't want." Grunkle Stan spoke out looking at me with a serious look.


The entire afternoon felt as if it was spent questioning me, some questions bothered me and others well I wanted to answer in all honestly. The day, however, came to an end and everyone went home. All four of us went back to the shack, Stan and Mabel stayed in the living room, while ford and I went into his hidden lab.

"So Dipper, earlier today you showed me the note and how it had his name in it..." He turned on his heels, adjusted his glasses and gave me a dead serious stare, "well after thinking and texting back and forth with Fiddelford we came to a conclusion you may not like to hear..." He once again took a pause, cleared his throat not removing his eyes from me, "well...while we did i guess 'kill bill' he is immortal and not to mention he is a dream demon. We erased him from Stanley's mind, maybe, but not anyone else's. He may not have been hurting the town through the years, but if anyone we're to possibly come across him in their sleep while they dream, it could be enough to bring him back into our physical reality. I don't want to have to repeat what happened a long time ago happen again. We may have won once, but who knows if we'd win again. We need to be careful dipper. He could be stronger than before." He put his hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help but worry now. "Wait...so..if a thought, or actually, a dream can help him regain form can his name?" I felt stupid for asking the question but I needed to know. "Only a dream. If he appears in your dreams or you happen to have one that doesn't seem like something you would normally have then that is probably him trying to create something. Try to not let him." I nodded to show i understood.

"Okay well...I'm going to go shower or something.." I smiled back at ford as I walked out his lab and upstairs to the bathroom. I never felt so much worry in my life. Normally I'd worry about passing a class or asking someone out, but now I got the worry of a demon on my mind. Great.

I walked up the stairs past where my sister and grunkle were and headed straight for the bathroom. I got undressed, ran the water, and stepped in.
Don't let him...who knows if we'd win again...?
"This doesn't make sense to me..." i whispered as the water hit my back, "Does it?" I keep confusing myself. The words and the way all of this would work doesn't make sense to me. How could it be possible?


After a very confusing shower I walked to the living room where Stan and Mabel were still watching tv. Waddles was next to Mabel asleep. "mind if I join you guys?" I smiled a little standing next to Mabel. She nodded and patted the floor next to her,"We're just watching old reruns of those stupid shows we used to watch as kids." Mabel laughed taking a sip of pit cola, "Can you believe the things we used to watch..geez.." I laughed and grabbed the bag of chips that was next to grunkle Stan and began eating some. All three of us didn't say much except for the occasional joke when something stupid would happen or to criticise the plot.

——-3 hrs of stupid shows later——-

Nobody's pov:

Mabel was already asleep curled up next to waddles with her arm around her pig while grunkle Stan fell asleep with a soda next to him on his couch. Dipper was still awake. Well awake enough that he went upstairs to go to his bed.

He dragged his feet up each stair till he made it to the top and started walking side to side trying to keep his balance enough to make it to his bed. He walked and stumbled as if he had drank heavily.

He made it to his bed and plopped down and slept exactly how he landed on his bed. His body was to heavy with sleep to be bothered to fix itself. The entire shack was dead silent as if nobody was home. Everyone was asleep and dreaming happily. Right?

A/N: sorry this chapter was a little short I didn't want to bore to excess details, but i hope it was still good. Ive been trying to improve my writing and keep everyone entertained. Also i know there isn't like a bigger lead up to the smut but its coming 😉😉 i just wanted more build up (HA THATS WHAT SHE SAID!!!!!)

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