"Freedom is Sweet, but Lust is Sweeter"

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A/N: it's been a few months of Bill and dipper being together and this chapter and the ones after it tell the story from that point on.

Dipper's Pov:

"Pinetree can we pleeeeease go somewhere?? I've been dying to leave this stupid place and just actually be with you~" Bill crawled onto my arms like a child. "I've already told you, you're stuck here because of that stupid shield thing that surrounds this town. And you only want to leave because we haven't had sex in like 3 months" I laughed at the end. Seriously he was being the biggest baby about it ever. Like we still do things when we have the chance, plus I really don't want to tell Ford I'm now dating the same demon who almost killed us.

"Pinetree!! Please!!! I'll do whatever you want after that" he begged me, whining to annoy me. "Ugh whatever! I'll tell Ford then. He's going to say no anyways and then get me in trouble." I start walking towards Ford's lab with Bill following me close behind. "Well we can stay and you don't tell him anything, but if I want to fuck you and they hear you it's not my fault then" my face turned red already embarrassed if that would actually happen. "Shut up and hurry up.!"

We got to his lab, entered and saw him sitting there like always, writing things down in a book. He heard us walk in and turned his attention to both of us. He wasn't fazed by the fact Bill was now always around. "Whats up dipper?" He gave me a small smile. "Well actually, I've been wanting to ask you something, as well as let you know something." I was already nervous as hell. I felt my anxiety start to build up inside of me, I might shut down. "Of course, what is it?" He tilted his head, leaning back in his chair.

"Well..so..umm first off.. I-I umm wanted to...umm..let you know..t-that..erm..so.." WHY IS IT SO HARD TO SPEAK!! AHHH I yelled at myself in my thoughts. "So..Bill and I..erm..w-we started dating...." I finally managed to spill out, my anxiety overwhelmed me, clearly Bill was also feeling anxious, something i don't see much. Ford stayed quiet for a while and then managed to speak up, "well then.. I guess that's what happened with you." He cleared his throat, "erm..is that all you wanted to let me know?"

Great not here's the part I really don't want to ask..

"Well..with that being said..We've been wanting to travel out of gravity falls..but as you know Bill can't really leave.. is there a way he can be travelling with me? Or at least leave?" I asked Ford and his expression said it all. He gave me the worlds most flat out disapproving look, which to my surprise changed quickly to a sigh and an answer I wasn't awaiting. "Well..yeah. I can make that happen. I won't take out the barrier due to other weirdness that's here that I don't wish the world has to bare, but he can either surrender his powers, which he won't, or just simply wear this bracelet that allows him to pass through."  I smiled, I wanted to jump up and down and cheer since Ford was much more approving and willing to help than I imagined. "Okay! Thank you so much!!!" I had the worlds widest smile, grabbed the bracelet and put it on bill. He has a smile too and for the first time he was genuinely nice to ford. "Thanks sixer" it was weird to hear but I'm glad.  We quickly left fords lab and rushed upstairs. Mabel was gone since she was over at Wendy's.

"I can finally leave?" Bill looked at me in confusion still. "Yeah..now we can be wherever we want.." I smirked, holding his hand in mine. "I really like the sound of that.~" he pulled me close to him, I leaned in and kissed his lips, he kissed back.

I broke off the kiss and spoke, "you can now fuck me in whatever stupid town you want to go to." I laughed at the fact that i knew it was the main reason Bill wanted to leave. "Aww come on, I really think it would've been funny if I fucked you here and they overheard you and you got questioned" he gave me a mocking pout, just to bully me at this point. "Bill shut up, no that wouldn't be funny." I crossed my arms and sat on my bed, grabbing my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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