"Sleeping beauty"

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A/N: I don't know how this whole book so far is. Has my style changed or is it the same? Do yall like the "leading up to" parts? (Idk what to call them😂

Bill's pov:

I couldn't rest or be bothered to go in dreams. I felt so strange. I still couldn't believe it. Not only was I in such disbelief about the whole kiss but also because this was the longest without hurting anyone I've gone. I was being i guess obedient to what the ol sixer said and being much calmer than I'm sure anyone expected. Enough of that though,
I kissed pinetree?!? T-that jist escalated to quickly what the actual hell! I thought to myself shaking my head in disbelief,I didn't want to believe it. I wonder what would've happened if shooting star didn't catch us..would it stop still....or go further...? I blushed, embarrassed yet intrigued, debating if I should even talk to Pinetree or even be near him. It was still very awkward every time we even passed or saw each other. Especially because shooting star kept looking at both of us and making a kissing noise. I hate her.

Dipper's Pov:

It's been 3 days since the whole incident, things haven't been the same around the shack. Mabel making everything awkward and me always trying to avoid the sight of Bill or avoid the topic of him. Still I couldn't shake the thought and the realisation that I made out with a dream demon. That's not normal, who does that?! Me apparently. I thought to myself answering my own question.
The past few days I've made Mabel sleep out in the extra room in the shack since she was being so persistent on annoying me until I told her everything. And how she knew there was something about us two (Bill and I) that she couldn't shake since we were kids. I just didn't want to deal with all her imaginary bullshit. She just didn't need to know anything. One time was one time and that's where it stays.

After all, no matter how much time passes Ill always be embarrassed about myself for what I even said 'Are you going to kiss me?' WHAT!? WHO!? WHY!? Ughhh I hated myself for that. I didn't have any clear answer in my mind as too why I'd say that and in all seriousness I just wish I could take it back.

Not sure if just what I said or the kiss though. I mean..as much as I hate to admit it...he's a really good kisser...the best I've had thus far honestly. But that I'll keep that to myself since I just didn't want him even knowing that.


Bill's Pov:

After a long day of me just pondering around trying to find a way to clear my head, i clearly didn't find a solution, I walked up to the Pines bedroom in hopes to find Mabel to talk to her but instead found the Pinetree. He was hanging his clothes or something. He didn't seem to even notice I was at the door way.should i scare him? Or..i don't know.. I thought to myself wondering what. Things were still awkward but they just had to stop, it's giving me a weird feeling in my stomach, might as well break the ice.
Coming to a conclusion on what to do, I snapped my fingers turning into my demon form and floated towards him remaining as silent as I silent as I could be. "So, You finally got hired as a servant round here huh?" I whispered into his ear, trying to disguise my voice as best as I could, causing him to look over his shoulder to find someone. Nope. I moved around following his motions to avoid his line of vision. I snickered at myself finding it funny how clueless he was "Didn't fit the 'nephew' title anymore?" I whispered again into his ear poking fun at him. He turned around, catching me off guard. His face had a look of shock plastered on but was red with anger, i couldn't help but start laughing. "Seriously Bill?!" I heard him yell out at me just causing me to laugh harder. He got so mad over the smallest of things it was undoubtedly hilarious. "It's not funny! Stop acting like a child!" He gave a scoff turning back to continue putting hangers on his shirts. My laughter died out, tears left in my eyes from laughing to hard. I quickly snapped into my human self walking towards Mabel's bed but just leaned instead on her dresser. "I'm not the one who throws tamper tantrums over everything." He turned around slightly just to be able to look at me from his peripheral vision. "It's temper idiot. I can speak coherently English at the least" i could see him shake his head slightly as he turned back doing the same as before. "Oh wow i made one mistake." I mocked him then gave a small chuckle. You're so fucking intolerable. "Being immortal doesn't mean you're automatically perfect and you would know that. Also you try to act like it didn't just bother you the fact that I corrected you by mocking me but you know I'm right in this moment and that you just can't do anything to deflect that. So if anything, im not childish you are. Grow up."

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