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A/N: I haven't been writing days and stuff but just imagine it's been at least three/four days. This chapter and the last are different days.

Bill's Pov:

It's been two days since I got my powers back and it's been much more exciting since then. I've been going in and out of dreams, running deals and you know all that amazing fun stuff, but of course Ive had to sneak around and try not to get noticed by any of the pines. Mainly ford and the Pinetree since it never left their minds of who tried to take over, i don't mind it at all, it was actually pretty funny. They think they can always catch me or pin blame on me for everything that goes wrong, what idiots.

I was outside of the shack, just playing and getting used to having full power again. I felt so free....that is..until the pine head came. He stood behind me, I knew if I turned around he'd just scold me as if I were his son. "Bill yo-" I cut him off, "you told me you weren't going to do that meh meh meh yeah well listen, I'm not harming anyone...yet...I don't care what you have to nag me about it's my power!" I mumbled out the 'yet' part so he wouldn't hear it.

He walked around, now standing in front of me, a pissed off expression drawn on his face with his arms crossed. It just made me laugh, he acted like I really cared if he was mad at me or whatever, I didn't care if he approved or what I did with my powers in all honesty, he couldn't control me.

"You're really cute when you're mad you know." I gave him a smirk which made his face quickly switch to a surprised look, his slightly tanned face had a pink hue growing across it.

'He is so easy to just flatter and manipulate. I should have some fun with this.'

It just made me laugh harder, He stayed with his arms crossed and looked to the side avoiding looking at me.

"Cat got your tongue?" I got closer to his face making him go a crimson red, his eyes widening now fixated on mine. I may be a human at the moment and knowledgeable in a lot but I never seemed to clearly understand how humans react and emotions work. "The way you work is funny Pinetree..you're so easy to bend and manipulate.." I gave a very quiet but loud enough that only he could hear what I said whisper. I pulled away from his face and stood straight with a smirk on my face.

"You're seriously not funny" the Pinetree finally spoke up, rolling his eyes at me in such obvious annoyance, his face was still a bright red as he looked at me.

"I like to think I am.. just like you like to think you're smart." i clicked my tongue, brushing my hair back with my fingers, his gaze still stayed on me but quickly then looked away. I smirked and walked away from him going inside the shack.

It's funny and in reality kinda cute how he acts when I make fun of him or mention something. Shame.

Dipper's Pov:

Bill that wasn't funny. It's so childish, grow up..

I thought to myself, I knew he could read thoughts but I didn't care if he heard that.
I walked back inside the shack walking past a smiling Mabel. She's always happy, it didn't really concern me so I just continued to walk past her. Until she stood up and walked towards me, "You like him don't you?" She jumped up and down, like a child in a candy store, awaiting my response. It took me by surprise what she just asked me, "WHAT?! Mabel gross..it's bill." She didn't seem to stop smiling, in fact her smile just grew even wider. "You always said you were always into more of edgy type of person right?" She stopped moving around and just held her necklace, playing with it while she looked directly at me. I felt sorta creeped it and stalked as if she was invading my privacy..oh wait.. she was.

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