Chapter 8: No One Wants to Go to Jakku

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I wake up to an empty cot

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I wake up to an empty cot.

No Din.

No kid.

At first, I wonder if last night was just a dream but then I remember how the normally cold ship felt warm last night. How I felt Din's hot breathe on my neck. How I actually slept since the war.

I climb out of bed my bare feet hitting the cold metal floor. I wear Din's shirt that I have kept has a sleep shirt.

I climb up to the cockpit to see Din in the pilot's chair like usual and the kid in the other co-pilots seat. The kid coos when he sees me causing Din to turn around. "He got hungry and fussy so I brought him up here. I didn't want to wake you." I smile before sitting down in my chair, "We should land on Jakku in a couple of hours there's a bounty hiding there."

"Jakku that's the last place I wanna go." I sit down in my co-pilots chair.

"Its the last place anyone wants to go but-"

"We need the credits I know. But Jakku really?"

"Didn't you live on Tatooine?"

"No our last base blew up and we were residing there until we could all meet up again when it was safe then you came and ruined that."

He gets tense at the mention of how we first met.

"Sorry about that."

"Why? It's not like you actually gave me to Jabba. Why did you let me go?"

"Because you asked me not too."

"I couldn't of been the first bounty to beg for their life."

"You begged me to kill you." He reminds me in a whisper.

"It was better than going back to Jabba the Hutt."

"I saw the look in your eyes and I just I-I couldn't do it. After I dropped you off on Naboo I stopped being the arrogant, stupid kid I used to be."

"Still a little arrogant." I softly laugh trying to brighten the mood. He just titles his head before letting out the sound I'll never get tired of a soft chuckle.


We lay on a dirt hill and Din looks in his binoculars.

"Do you see him?" I ask adjusting trying to get more comfortable.


"Then why are in lying in the dirt sweating?"

"I'm not sweating."

I scoff, "Good for you."

"You could always go back to the razor crest."

"I'm fine."

"Then stop complaining."

"Oh, shut up target practice."

"I told you to stop calling me that."

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