Plot 1: The Farm

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OC1 receives an invitation to take part in a special new research program. They're told that the program will be studying raising livestock and animal husbandry. Intrigued by the opportunity, OC1 accepts the invitation.

OC1 is then taken to a research facility in the middle of no where that's simply referred to as "The Farm". After a couple of days on the program, it dawns on OC1 that there are no animals to be found, and as they begin to grow fatter and rounder, OC1 realizes that they are the livestock that was mentioned in the invitation!

For this plot, There are a couple of options for the role that OC2 can play. OC2 could be the program worker that first contacted OC1, and becomes responsible for fattening them up once they've accepted the invitation. On the other hand, OC2 could also be another participant in the program. The two participants could be assigned to each other as breeding partners, and are fattened together while observed by the researchers.

(art from lucylu11 on deviant art )

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