Plot 7: The Visitor

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OC1 is out walking one night when they see a strange light streak across the horizon, so they decide to investigate. As they grow closer, the light begins to grow brighter and brighter, until it eventually becomes clear what was causing it: a flying saucer! OC1 tries to turn and run, but the UFO already has them caught in its tractor beam, and begins lifting them up into the spaceship.

Once onboard, OC1 meets OC2, the mysterious alien piloting the saucer. OC2 is not a polite host, however, and soon begins stripping their new captive before pinching and prodding at their exposed body. OC1 is then led to a new chamber aboard the UFO, where their alien overlord fattens them up into a huge butterball. With no hope of escape, and no insight into OC2's motives, all OC1 can do is eat and continue to grow while they're transported through space.

NOTE: obviously, OC2 has to be some kind of alien, but feel free to be as creative as you want with what kind of alien they are!

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