Plot 13: The Restaurant

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OC1 is out late one night after a long day at work. Desperate for a quick bite to eat, the stop at a little diner on the edge of town. They head inside, and are soon greeted by OC2, the host/hostess, who seems to be the only person working that night. OC2 leads them to their seat and takes their order, before disappearing off into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, OC2 returns with platters upon platters of food, far more than OC1 remembered ordering. Initially confused and thrown off by the huge amount of food, OC1 loses any doubts after taking a bite, becoming obsessed with how delicious everything is.

OC1 continues to eat and eat, growing bigger and fatter as they are barraged by a never ending stream of delicious food. OC2 soon joins them, providing company and a helping hand as OC1 starts to grow really massive.

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