Plot 20: Office Fatties

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OC1 is a manager at some no-name office. Their job is mostly redundant, and what little they do have to do can almost always be handled by their secretary, OC2. OC2 hates this, being constantly stuck doing OC1's errands and other tedious tasks while their boss lounges in their office and gets invited to all the company trips and other events.

One day, OC2 decides they've had enough, and decides to get their revenge in the only way they can think to: fattening their boss up! It begins slowly and subtly, offering to take over a few extra tasks, surprising them with donuts and other snacks at work, and most importantly, supplementing OC1's daily lunch order with extra calories!

What started as a simple revenge tactic soon begins to spiral into so much more. As OC1 begins to pack on the pounds and become even more lazy than they were before, their secretary's motives slowly begin to transform. Whether it was newfound passion for feeding, a deepening relationship between the two, a need for power over their boss, or some combination of the three, OC2 slowly transforms OC1's office into a feedee's wonderland, keeping their boss fed and fattening both on and off the clock!

Alternatively... the RP could be swapped, with OC1 being a corrupt corporate exec who uses their power to turn their secretary into a personal feedee!

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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