Chapter 6

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Salem POV

"And that's why we DO NOT shoot, burn, stab, maul, or maim Mommy. Do you understand?" I said, "No." (y/n) said innocently, "Alright I'll put it in terms you'll understand. We don't hurt Mommy...only Cinder. No hurt Mommy only Cinder." I said, "OK!" He said happily, "Good boy." I said as I kissed his cheek, "Now it's way past your nap time little boy." I said as I sat him down and he ran to my room.

"Have a nice nap, my love." I said, "Night night." (y/n) said as I left. "You're playing favorites, my Lady." Watts said, "What are you getting at Watts?" I asked, "It's obvious you favor (y/n) over Cinder." He said, "Watts (y/n) is my only child." I said, "Well if we're going by the time you became the queen of darkness which started when you know who betrayed you. I mean unless you have some immensely great-grandkids running around somewhere." He said, "Watts, all of humanity can be traced back to me in one way or another." I said, "Wait what?!" He said, "Look I got real hand holdey back when humanity got its second chance. The humans that were around at the time developed a sort of mother complex and one of them took it too far." I said, "Why does this make so much sense." He said, "Because it's the truth." I said as I left.

Dark Side of Remnant (male child reader X mother Salem)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant