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i walk out to see hazel, standing there. "alright lets go get changed" she says smiling and walking off. i see ruel leave the classroom and he waves to me.

i smile and follow hazel "who's in our class?" i ask her, while walking next to her now. "oh lots of people i can't tolerate. i'll tell you who we don't like, when we get there" she says walking into the change rooms.

i follow behind her, looking around to see it's just us . "we've got josh in our class right?" i ask her grabbing the clothes out of my bag. "yeah we do" she says smiling.

i undress putting the clothes destiny had gave me to borrow. i put my formal clothes into my bag zipping it up, having my airforces on still. i look over at hazel and see she's dressed as well.

"alright, you ready to leave" she says, putting her bag on. i put mine back on, walking out with hazel next to each other. "so tell me, how did you meet ruel?" she asks looking over to me.

"at his concert, my little cousin loves him and i had to take her. and well it's funny because in one of his song he kept looking at me the whole time." i smile remembering it. she smiles at me "that's cute, he must have a crush i reckon" hazel says giggling.

"yeah no, how did you guys meet?" i look over to her, still walking. "well, when he moved to australia i was his first friend in preschool. he was very shy and well i would talk to everyone and he was sitting by himself so i went to him and talked to him for ages till he warmed up to me" she says giving me a smile.

"that's adorable, look at him now. you must be really proud of him" i say to her, she nods her head "extremely you don't even understand" she says. i look to see students talking in the hall and waiting for the teacher.

i see josh and he runs to us "fucking hell you guys took ages, i was standing there like a loner" he says chuckling. "sorry, big baby" hazel says laughing.

we walk to we're josh's stuff was placing our bags down next to his. i look around the class and see the girls that were staring at me in this class.

"we don't like them" josh says looking at the girls at all. "why is that" i look over to him, hazel and josh both laugh. "one of them is a bitch for hurting-" josh says but gets cut off from the teacher.

" okay guys, we're playing volleyball today. you guys are going to get split into 2 teams. either get a partner or 2 people to stay with you" the teacher says, he looks over at me and walks over.

"you must be y/n" he says, i nod my head "well i'm mr riley. i'm a fun teacher so is this class" he chuckles, giving me a smile. "okay thank you" i say and he walks away.

"everyone in this class is boring he lied" hazel says shaking her head. mr riley starts splitting everyone up and we're all on the same team of course. we get put on this team with these dudes and like 2 girls.

"those guys, are classified as the 'popular dudes' and those girls are alright not the best but nice" hazel says about the people on our teams. i laugh "well that's alright i guess" i say standing into the formation.

each team had 9 people so that was enough players to have on. our team starts the serve and the game begins, i played volleyball as a sport and i enjoyed it a lot but i quit to focus on school.

*end of class*
"holy shit, y/n you're so good" josh says to me, i smile "thanks, i've played for most of my life but stopped" i say placing my bag on.

"she's not even good" i hear and look to see the blonde girl rolling her eyes with her 2 other friends. "awe is someone jealous, that she's better than you and getting more attention" hazel says to her in a fake tone.

concert// ruel van dijkWhere stories live. Discover now