Chapter 4: Short/ important A/N

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-unpauses live-

"Sorry for that, I'm going through something." I continued the game and only rarely looking at the chat. I saw a super chat so I look over at it, 'Did Kirishima break up with you or something?' I sighed "No, he didn't break up with me." I felt more tears about to fall. "I don't know if I can keep doing this live." I ended the live, I called mina again.


Mina: Look, I know this is hard.

Baku: There's no way to tell if he's doing ok! And if he isn't doing ok I can't be there because I don't know where he is!

Mina: Bakugo, you need to calm down.

Baku: I can't

Mina: Bakugo! I'm sorry that I have to say this so bluntly but, Get your act together! I can't be the one comforting you, I'm also worried! And if he dies I can't comfort you.

Baku: ... I need to find him.

Mina: What does that mean

Baku: I'm going out on my own and I'm going to find him!

Mina: Bakugo! You can't just go out looking for him! That's dangerous!

Author note: Hey... I'm an asshole. I haven't been working on this and haven't been uploading. a lot of stuff has happened in my life. I should have told you instead of pretending that I'm just lazy. so I have some problems right now, but I'll try to work on this. Thanks for reading, this piece of crap. Just, know I will finish this fanfic! if I don't, hate on me as much as you want I can take it. 

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