chapter 5: My Dear Ei!

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Mina: What does that mean

Baku: I'm going out on my own and I'm going to find him!

Mina: Bakugo! You can't just go out looking for him! That's dangerous

Baku: I don't care, I need to find him.

Mina: No Bakgou! Leave this to the police!

*Bakugo hangs up*

"Oh, right, I have to go to the police station."

-Kirishimas pov-

I wake up with a blindfold and, what I assume, is a rag in my mouth. "Oh! My sweet Eijro woke up?" I heard a familiar voice say, I try to scream but the rag thing wouldn't allow that. "No one can hear you, and even if you did scream there would be no one to help you. Now, let's get that ugly blindfold off your pretty face." he took the blindfold off my face and he was looking at me. "My dear, why do you look so scared?" I tried to get the rag out of my mouth, "No, no, no. I wouldn't do that if I were you." I stopped and looked at him, "You don't want to get punished do you?" I stopped, I didn't want to know what the punishment is, I don't want to know what will happen when I can't escape. "Oh, Ei my dear. I accept your confession from high school, Sorry it took so long." I'm scared and angry at the same time, my anger took over and somehow I got the rag out of my mouth "Fuck you, You beat me up, insult me and get me kicked out of my house! I don't like you! You ruined my life! I have a Fiancé who cares about me!" He looked at me disappointed, "Ei-" "And you can't call me that!" He looks mad, but quickly went back to that sickening smile. "Kiri, I didn't ruin your life, others did. And I do care about you, I care about you so much that I would kill anyone for you and anyone who gets in the way... By the way, I have to deal with your relationship status." I was frozen in fear, "No! I'll do anything, just don't kill katsuki!" he turned back around, he had this disgusting smile on his face. "Anything?" I nodded I was about to cry, "Wow, I can make you do anything! Oh my, what first! Oh I know, I have to punish you for speaking!" I closed my eyes shut, I felt him get close and suddenly, Slap, He hit me really hard. "Now, Let have some fun~." He said in a disgusting voice, I cried more. 


I was walking to the police station, I tried not to think. So I went to Twitter, Big mistake, I saw Me crying and tweets about my live. I put my phone away, Ei, Hopely you're ok. I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you as you saved me. "It's all my fault," I whispered to myself, I got to the police station and walked in, I could tell I was on the brink of crying. "Hi, what Can I help you with?" The receptionist asked, "I was called in for questioning. For Kirishima's kidnaping." I say trying not to cry, "Oh, yes! Follow Stacy here to the room." Stacy led me into a room, I walked in and sat in a chair. After a few minutes, a police officer walked in, "Ok, So, how do you know this katresan guy?" I sighed "I don't personally know him, but he did stab me. Ei's the one who knows him." He nodded and wrote something down, "Ok, and how does Mr. Kirishima know him?" I was kinda shaking, "Long story short they were high school friends, but then this thing happened, they're no longer friends." The officer was looking at me "Ok, Can you elaborate on why they're not friends anymore?" I was crying and shaking. "Ok, I'll give you a minute, but keep in mind. To find Kirishima, we need more info on this guy." He left the room.

You can comment anything you see is wrong (like if I spell something wrong)

words 689


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