Chapter 10: Koi Katresnan full back story

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-Koi Katresnan pov- 

Hello everyone, Yes I mean you! You behind the screen, Yes I know you're there and You probably don't want to hear my back story. You don't want to believe that I've had bad things happen to me, You just want to think I'm a bad person for no reason. You can skip this chapter I guess, but I wouldn't recommend that.  

Where should this start? Ah, my Family The Koi's. On the outside, they were pristine, Fine, high class and modest everyone thought we were the perfect- Not, My family acted horribly no matter the place. Maybe the right way of saying it was they were emotionally abusive out in public and physically abusive in the comfort of the neighborhood, yes the whole neighborhood knew what my parents were doing to me and they did nothing. Why was I treated like this? Well, ever since I was a young child I knew how to get my way, some call this emotional manipulation but I called it getting my way. They were scared of me, so they kept me in check by punishing me harshly. My family as you guess were homophobic and witch made me homophobic too, They found out I was gay and punished me more harshly... The day they found out my dad beat me so hard I was in the hospital for three days. Oh, but my perfect little sis got everything! And she Tanted me for it by being nice to me, But she might have ended up worse if she was mean, I don't know why she was nice, fear? Making me feel worse? Out of love? I still don't know, and will never know. Anyway I was seventeen and being abused for years made me


I was being cursed out by my father when I picked up a knife in the knife block, and




He fell over dead, I was exhilarated, I cleaned my knife and put it back. I grabbed a piece of paper and started to write a note. "Dear world, I have taken my life, I couldn't take this life much more. as my final request, I will give everything I own to my baby, *Insert girl name*." I put it in his pocket, the reason I wrote that is to make it believable. I ran up to my room and went to bed with it being almost midnight. I woke up and the police were in the house, I played dumb, They told me what happened and I started to fake cry and do things that sad people do. A little time skip to the funeral, When no one was looking I went up to the piece of shit I called my father and smiled, "Fuck you, you son of a bitch." I said, I heard my mom call me so I acted sad, even if I was the happiest, after the piece of shit's Burial we went home. My mom closed the door and glared at me, "Go, upstairs sweety." she said to my sister, I looked at her wondering what she was doing "I know you're not fucking sad, you may act sad but why would you be sad, you're father treated you like shit." I laughed, "So that's the only give away? Nice I guess." I say grabbing the knife from the knife block, She didn't realize what I was doing until I held the knife up,




She was still alive, so I let her bleed out, "D-Did you k-kill him t-too? you s-son of a b-bitch." I looked at her, "I sure am a son of a bitch, and yes I did kill him." She scowled and died... Two down one left, I went upstairs to my sister's room, "My dear sister can you come out here?" I said sinisterly, I know she's nine but she took everything from me. she opened the door and saw my bloodied and with a knife, her eye's went wide, She tried to close the door but I was faster and opened it, She ran towards her bed and went under it, I grabbed her hair and pulled her up, "W-why?" she asked, "Because I hate all of you, you bitch." Then I, 




They're all dead, I started laughing, laughing and laughing. I put their bodies in the basement, I went to bed and did my usual things. You may be like, "Weren't you seventeen when Kirishima confessed to you?" That was earlier this year, that's also why I killed my father, I realized that he made me like this. Soon after I killed my mother and sister I left home, I ran away from everything. Became obsessed with eijiro etc, etc. You know the rest, they didn't think I killed my family, nobody knows I killed them until now. As you know, I'm trying to break Eijiro right now so he'll do what I want, But he's strong-willed so it's going to be difficult. Nothing I haven't done before, I would kill him, he's to perfect~ That God damn Katsuki is getting in the way of me and Eijiro's love. That's why I'm in the basement of my old childhood home, the basement is big with a guest bedroom, they would never guess to go there.

You can comment anything you see is wrong (like if I spell something wrong)

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