Chapter 11: Shocking

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-Kirishima's pov-

Koi grabbed my face and kissed me. It was really unpleasant, Koi got mad at this, "Do you want me to punish you?" I shook my head, I'm still not sure what punishment was, He smiled and Grabbed my face again, the kiss was still unpleasant, "Ok, you're getting punishment." He got off my lap and went into a room, I think that's the one he brought me to, I don't want to think about it. He brought out this battery, I don't like where this is going, Then some cable jumpers... Oh no, "My sweet Eijiro, I hate to do this to you but you deserve it." He connected the jumpers to the battery. He took the clip part and examined it, "You have your tetanus shot right?" I was about to answer when he stuck the jumper into my leg, A bad pain went through my body and I couldn't control my limbs for a second, as soon as it started it ended "Oh Eijiro~ even when you are electrocuted you look cute~" It still hurts, my leg was shaking a lot, "You know." He started before he shocked me again, "I do this for your own good." Shock, "I guess we wouldn't be like this." Shock, "If I didn't kill my parents, though I probably would be the dead one." Shock, I couldn't keep my eyes open, I passed out...

-Bakugo's Pov-

I was driving again, what time is it? It was dark when I checked the first spot, I look at the clock in my car, "It's fucking 2 in the morning?! How long did it take to search that place?" I Drive into a parking lot to sleep

-At six in le moring-

I wake up still in my car, I put my set back to normal and look at the map, The closet spot is a house he used to live in. There is a note attached to this location, "He lived in this house after his family died." I thought for a second, Did his family die or did he murder them? I shook the thought away, Eijiro is what's important right now. I pull out of the parking lot, "Is this house owned by someone, well if that would be my answer to if he's there."

You can comment anything you see is wrong (like if I spell something wrong)

words 399


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